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"Why won't you talk to him?" Natalia questioned Ace.

"He doesn't wanna talk to me," Ace said sadly.

Mean while......

"Have you seen her?" Josh asked shaking some kid.

"Who?" The poor kid said. Josh let him go realizing he had no clue.

Josh's POV:

Damnit I gotta find her. I screwed up I need her. Is that her? No.

BUT THAT IS!!! I ran up to her. She just stared at me. I needed to get her mad first, then hug her. Is that paint? Yes, yes it is. And it's yellow, her least favorite color. Hmmmm....

Ace's POV:

He is just staring at me. And now he is grinning. Oh no what is he thinking?!

Before I could process what was gonna happen he dumped a bucket of paint on me. AND IT'S YELLOW!! He is a dead man!

I walked right up to him and raised my hand to slap him. But before I could move my hand he engulfed me in a tight hug. I'm going to kill him.

He is just too hard to stay mad at.

What is he doing? He picks me as I wrap my arms around him. And then my legs around his lower back. I then lay my head on his shoulder.

He carries me out. I get glares of jealousy from girls. And stares from his usual 'bad boy' friends. I wander when I'll meet them. He put me on the back of his bike, and he got on the front. I wrapped my arms around him.
Lovez youz allz. Anyways I got a new book I'm writing to practice some comedy writing skills. It's got three chapters so far. It's called "Inside The Walls...". So check it out. :D

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