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Ace finally goes to school. People stare as she walks down the hallway beside her brother. Though most of them were looks of sympathy. The staring gets to Ace and she yells " WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU STARING AT!!!" Alex calms her down.


Josh heard Ace scream. Josh goes running fighting his way through the crowd. He sees her brother Alex comforting her. He grabs her and pulls her close engulfing her in a warm hug. He softly coed in her ear. She put her hands on his chest and bursts out crying more. Ace misses his warm toned body, and his manly aroma. Her knees grow weak. They give in, Josh catches her and begins to carry her bridal style as he walks her to his car and puts her in.

"Where are we going?" Ace questions. "My place," he replies.

Once their there he carries her in, and into the same room that the incident happened. He lays her atop the bed. "You're back too soon, we'll try again tomorrow." He states.

He sits on the bed. Ace is filled with emotions. She kisses him. He responds. It was a very long, passionate kiss. He lays her back down and lays next to her. He wraps an arm around her waist.

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