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Ace's POV:

We watch "Juno".

"WHAT THE F*** DUDE!!!" Josh yells.

"LANGUAGE!" I snap.

"Sorry, but he is a dirt bag," Josh explains his actions.

Ring....Ring..... Damn my phone always ruins stuff. I look down and read "Tyler". Oh, it's this guy. "You okay Ace?" Josh asked. "Yeah one second," I reply. I get off his lap and go into the kitchen. "Hello?" I answer. "Hey Ace, I know it's been almost a month but...." He says before taking a deep breathe "Are you single?" He asked. "I don't know?" I ask looking at Josh on my couch. "What do you mean?" He questioned. "One second," I reply. "JOSH ARE WE DATING!!!" I yell. "Not technically, I don't really know we've never talked about.... Us." He says. "Okay," I say. I tell Tyler "I'm technically single," I say. "Come out with me tomorrow then," he says. "Fine, I text you my address. I'm dressing casual, pick me up at 8:00 P.M. SHARP! If you're late you can forget it, and if you're early I won't be ready." I tell him. "Okay, see ya." He tells me. "Bye," I tell him. I hang up, then text him my address.

I go sit next to Josh. But as expected, he picks me up and sets me in his lap again. But this he nuzzles his face into my neck and kisses softly. "Josh," I mumble. "Shhh.... " he quiets me. I can't believe he is kissing my neck, while I have a date tomorrow. He isn't making my decision easy. He kisses up my neck and onto my jawline. He lays me on my back on the couch. Slightly spreading my legs. He then dips his hips down, and applies little pressure. I quietly moan. Josh smirks. He kisses my lips. I slowly kiss back. His tongue explores my mouth vigorously, and thoroughly. He stops kissing me for just a minute. He then slips his shirt off. He he has nice abs. He is very toned. He then presses his lips against mine again. I pull him closer trying to get as close as possible to him. He pulls back and then lifts my shirt over my head. He is lucky I decided to wear a bra today.
He cups my breast through my bra. He then kisses my chest. Then he kisses my lips again. Fast, and hungrily I kiss back. Wanting him more, and more by the second. Before I make a mistake, the small sane part left in my head says "stop," just as Josh is fumbling with my bra hook I tell him"Wait, I'm not ready. I'm sorry." I say. He stops, and backs off. He turns red "Sorry, I forgot. I wasn't realizing what I was doing. It was just in the heat of the moment." He says. He grabs my shirt and looks down. He holds it out towards me. I take in my hands, then slip it over my head. He looks up at me. "It's okay. I enjoyed it. The kissing is good. " I tell him.
Josh and I slept on the couch. We woke up and it was 1:00 P.M. We were up really late. It is now officially Saturday. I shower.

2:00 P.M.

"Josh, should I wear my blue, or pink top on my date?" I asked. "Blue," he replies. He looked upset. But with his odd life I didn't question what was wrong. I went into my room and put it on. I then spent the next two hours painting my nails. I painted them all a light pink. I then did a layer of silver sparkle. And finally coated them with a clear top coat.

4:10 P.M.

I tried for what felt like forever to put my hair in a ponytail. But my long, and thick curly blonde hair didn't want to cooperate. I was finally able to put it up in a ponytail.

I went into the bathroom and spray my favorite perfume on my neck, and wrist. I then brushed my teeth, and rinsed my mouth out with mouth wash. I popped the few pimples I had. Then I realized there was a purple spot on my collar bone. I screamed Josh came running in. "What's wrong?" He asked. "What's this?!" I asked pointing at it. Josh just started laughing. "What's funny? Am I gonna DIE?!" I asked frantically. "No, it's just a hickie." He said. "What's a hickie?" I asked. "You typically get one from kissing," he said. He then grabbed my makeup and started applying it and make it disappear under makeup. "How many girls have you given hickies?" I ask. "Probably like.... Fifty." He said nonchalantly. Wow really that much. Josh is a 'bad boy' what else should've I expected. After he is finished he says "all done," and walks up. I tap it, ouch. It's sore.

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