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"You wouldn't," Ace stated firmly. "Oh, but sweet heart I would." He said smirking down upon me. "Fine," I say giving up. He smirks again then he unties me. "Have fun," he says smirking evilly. "Can I have a blanket," I asked realizing my clothes were torn, bad. "Nope," he says bitterly. "Fine then your package," I say pointing towards my crotch. "Will freeze," I finish. He looks around. He disappeared for a second, but returned with a blanket. He tossed it at me and with that I left.

At times I wish I never would've meet Josh. If I wouldn't have met him I'd still be a virgin, I wouldn't have been raped because I wouldn't have met Tyler. I wouldn't have to do unspeakable acts. And most importantly I wouldn't love him. And I wouldn't be scared of losing him.

"Miss?" A voice questions beside me as I walk down the street. I look to see a older man in a police car. My savior is here.
Author's note: sorry it took awhile for me to update. My life it's rough right now. But next week's chapter will be a Q and A. So ask away.

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