I'm gonna kill you

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Ace and Josh pass around the fart dance posters. They hear some giggling, some yeahs, and a few people are actually excited.

"I'm still gonna kill you," Ace stated nonchalantly. "I love you too." He says smirking.


"I love you too." Shit did I say that out loud, I hope she thinks I'm playing. Just smile and act cool.


"I love you too." He said. OMG is he playing. Probably. Just play stupid, or act like you know he is joking. "I mean it," I say. "Mmmhmm." He he drew out. Okay good I played it cool. I don't even know for sure I love him. But I think that's what this feeling is. He doesn't even know what happened to me that night. I feel obligated to tell him. But if I do, will he still like me?

AUTHORS NOTE: So yeah. I was grounded. I just got ungrounded so my first priority was to update both books. Hope you enjoyed. :D lemme know what you think.

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