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Eighth Period arrives so Ace walks to class. Ace takes her seat next to Josh, "Hey foxy lady," Josh says. Ace just sits down quietly. "Today we will be drawing our partners," Rosa says.
"Okay I'll draw you first," Josh enthusiasticly cheers.

10 minutes later

Josh shows Ace the picture. " Well that's rude," Ace says whilst crossing her arms over her chest, and turning her face to the left. "What?" Josh asks. "You drew my boobs to big, my legs to skinny, my head to crooked, and your lines aren't even straight where they should be," Ace says critically. "Whatever I like it, your turn," Josh replies.

    Ace just wrote the words dumb, and loser then scribbled a blob. "Now that's hurtful," Josh speaks comically holding his chest and smiling. Ace laughs.

The bell rings, "See you tomorrow skitz." Josh says. "What does skitz mean?" Ace questions. "It's just a nickname so chill out," Josh says while smirking happily.

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