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It was the middle of sophomore year.

Maya felt like she was drowning with tests and homework. Her grades were dropping, she was getting less sleep.

She walked to her locker, wearing a Victoria Secret sweatshirt and leggings

"Hey Maya". Lucas walked up to her

"Hey". Maya sighed as she placed her books in her locker

"Do you know where Riley is"? Lucas asked

"Of course he was looking for her. Why would he possible wanna talk or hang out with me". Maya thought

"Umm, I think she's on the sophomore lawn". Maya shut her locker and faced him

Her eyes met his. She couldn't help but het lost in his dreamy green eyes.

"Oh ok, thanks". Lucas smirked

"I'll walk with you". Maya said "I have to talk to Riley anyways".

"Did you finish the english essay"? Lucas asked

"There was an english essay"! Maya's eyes widened

"Yeah". Lucas chuckled "She told us last Monday at the end of class".

"Fuck, I fell asleep"! Maya groaned

"You fall asleep in every single class". Lucas smirked

"That's what happens when you get 3 hours of sleep every night". Maya pursed her lips "Thanks to homework, studying, netflix, and more netflix".

"What time do you start you're homework"? Lucas asked

"Around midnight". Maya shrugged

Lucas chuckled and rolled his eyes.

So let me get you caught up on what has happened since middle school. After Lucas and Maya's little flop "relationship", they finally realized they liked each other more when they were just friends. Nobody dated anybody after that. But Riley and Lucas obviously still liked each. They were obsessed with each other. They were crazy for each other. But they never dated again, lord knows why. Maya wasn't over Lucas. She never wanted to break up with him in the first place. But she did what she always does and puts everyones feelings before her own. Everybody was telling her that they were better off being friends. Maya began to believe that. May thought that Lucas didn't like her, he just did this cause he cared about May a's feelings. So things were left unsaid. Hearts were broken. And the book was closed before the story was over.

Lucas's attention on Maya evaporated one he saw Riley

"Hey Riles". Maya smiled

"Hey". Riley said, while doing homework

Lucas sat down next to her "Hey Riley".

"Hey". Riley cooed as she stared into his dreamy eyes

"You doing chemistry homework". He asked

"Yeah". Riley giggled

"Hey Lucas, do we have band tonight"? Maya asked

But Lucas didn't seem to hear her, he was to focused on Riey

"What's the answer to question 16"? Riley asked

"Oh it's sodium chloride". Lucas smirked

"Thanks". Riley smiled

"Lucas"!? Maya raised her voice a bit

But his attention was still completely on Riley

"Did we have to do the essay questions"? Riley asked

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