use to it

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Maya walked into the football field and stood next to her bestfriend and Lucas

"Hey guys"! Maya perked

And again, they didn't even hear her. They were too caught up in their own conversation.

"GUYS"! Maya raised her voice

no response.

"Why do I even try anymore". Maya rolled her eyes and walked away

She stood next to the bleachers when she suddenly heard a whisper

"Pssst Hart". She heard a familiar voice say

Maya turned her head to see the one and only , Charlie

"What are you doing here". Maya laughed

"Come here". Charlie smirked from underneath the bleachers

Maya sighed and walked underneath the bleachers towards Charlie

"Wanna smoke". Charlie asked with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth

"Umm" Maya bit her lip "Yeah sure".

Charlie pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter and lit the cigarette

"This your first smoke"? Charlie handed Maya the cigarette

"Nah". Maya slipped the cigarette in to of her mouth

Maya quickly began coughing

Charlie raised an eyebrow

"Yep". Maya took the cigarette out of her mouth

Charlie chuckled "Your crazy".

"Good crazy or bad crazy"? Maya smirked

"Good crazy". Charlie nodded

"Maya"! Lucas yelled from behind her

Maya turned around and drowned into her dark green eyes

Lucas walked closer to her

"Maya what the fuck are you doing"! Lucas slapped the cigarette out of her hand

Maya winced "Lucas I-

"Back off Friar". Charlie snarled

Lucas hung his arm around Maya and began to drag her off

Lucas turned around to face Charlie

"Stay away from Maya". Lucas warned

Charlie raised an eyebrow "Or what"?

"Or your gonna have to deal with me". Lucas raised his voice

And with that he walked off with Maya

"What the fuck were you thinking Maya"! Lucas yelled

"I don't know". Maya hesitated "I just-

"Maya". Lucas started "Shit like this could get you kicked out of band, strings, and the cheerleading squad".

Tears filled in Maya's eyes "Lucas I'm sorry. I won't do it again".

"I trust you". Lucas replied "I'm just looking out for you because I care about you".

"You care about me"? Maya asked

"Well of course". Lucas chuckled "You're one of my bestfriends".

"I am"? Maya raised an eyebrow

Lucas laughed "You seriously didn't know that"?

"No". Maya soflty smiled "I thought you just aw me as Riley's best friend".

"Maya what happened to us"? Lucas tilted his head

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