deep down

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Maya and Riley walked through the doors of John Quincy Adams high, early in the morning

Riley was her normal, bubbly self.

And Maya, well, she was a bit out of the norm. She couldn't get the smile off of her face, that's been there since last night, while her and Lucas kissed. She was even smiling in her sleep.

She was finally happy. He was finally hers. All the waiting, all the invisibility, it was all worth it. Nothing could mess this up, nothing.

She was a bit nervous though. Of course she felt comfortable with Lucas, she just wasn't sure how to act.

Meanwhile, Lucas couldn't keep the damn smile off of his face either. While he was with Riley, they had no closure, no verification. Lucas didn't even know if he should call Riley a friend, crush, or girlfriend. But with Maya .. it was real. With Maya, he could call her his. He could walk around, hold hands with her, hug her, and kiss her. And she made him happy. Really happy. And god dammit her smile lit up his word. He had missed out on being with Maya for so long, he wasn't gonna let anything ruin their relationship.

"Ohh"! Riley perked "Lucas and Farkle are over there"!

Maya ran behind Riley "HIDE ME"!

"Lucas, Farkle, over here"! Riley waved

"It's like talking to a brick wall". Maya mumbled

"Hey Maya". Lucas smiled, spotting Maya hiding behind Riley

Maya slowly stepped out from behind Riley and smiled "Hi, Lucas".

They both stood there, smiling at each other for a few seconds

Lucas began to laugh "Come here".

They wrapped their arms around eachother, while Maya laid her head on his chest

"You still like me right"? Lucas whispered

Maya giggled "Yeah, of course I do".

"Good". He chuckled "I got scared for a minute".

Maya's eyes wandered, until she spotted Charlie heading towards them

"Uh oh", Maya warned

"What's wrong"? Lucas asked

Maya whispered in his ear "The Riley war begins".

"What"? Lucas laughed

Maya pointed to Charlie, who was now right next to the core four

"Hi guys", Charlie greeted

"What's up". Maya perked

Riley smiled "Hi Charlie".

Maya and Lucas looked over to Farkle, who looked very uneasy, as he immediately grabbed Riley's hand while Charlie approached them

Charlie noticed Lucas's hand on Maya's waist

"You guys are a couple now". Charlie smiled "I told you , Maya".

"Haha ," Maya awkwardly shifted "Yeah".

"What's he talking about"? Lucas whispered

"I tell you later". Maya said

"Riley, we should go". Farkle suggested

"Come on, let's not be rude, Charlie just got here". Riley corrected

Of course, Riley didn't like Charlie in a romantic way. But being the big hearted person she was, she sort of felt bad for him, he didn't seem like he had a lot of friends.

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