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Maya sighed as she pressed play on her spotify playlist and began to get ready for school

"Another day of being ignored". She whispered to herself

She was stort of looking forward to today though, because she got to read her essay about invisibility

The only problem was Lucas was in that class, and after what she told Lucas yesturday, she knew he would know it was about him.

Maya wore a grey Nirvanna long-sleeved shirt, tight black shorts, and a baby blue sweatshirt around her waist.

She slipped on some white converse, grabbed her vans backpack and her lanyard and went out the door



"Riles, you ready"? Maya crawled into her baywindow

Riley was pacing back and forth across her room "I can't do it Maya, I can't go to school".

"What"?! Maya scrunched her eyebrows "Why not"?

"When I talk to Lucas, he's gonna know somethinsg wrong, he's gonna see that the chemistry between us is gone. I don't want him to be heartbroken. And things are gonna be so awkward with Farkle now that I think I love him".

"Riley, first of all, Lucas is a big boy, I'm sure he'll get over it". Maya chuckled "And how could things possible be awkward with Farkle, he's like you're better half, he's been in-love with you since we were six and he will forever have unconditional love for you".

"Thanks Maya". Riley smiled "You always know what to say".

"I know". Maya giggled and flipped her hair "Now let's go, we're gonna be late".



lunch time

Riley, Farkle, and Lucas sat at the lunch table

Maya was back at her locker, reading over her essay.

She was so close to backing out of the whole thing, ripping up the whole essay, and denying she ever wrote it. But she was already in too deep.

She sighed and stuffed the papers into her backpack, and joined her friends.

"Hey guys". Maya greeted

"Hey Maya". Lucas smiled

"Hey where we you"? Riley perked

"Woah". Maya's eyes widened

"What"? Riley and Lucas asked at the same time

"You guys actually heard me"? Maya raised an eyebrow

"Umm yeah". Lucas laughed "Why wouldn't we"?

Maya just gave them a funny look, as she sat down on the other side of Lucas

Riley and Farkle went on with their conversation, Lucas woud try to join in every once in a while, but they just ignored him.

Maya just stared down at her phone the whole time

Lucas turned to Maya "Maya can I talk to you in private"?

"Umm", Maya scratched her neck "Yeah I guess".

Maya and Lucas walked out to the empty hallway

"What's up hopalong". Maya perked

"Riley keeps ignoring me". Lucas said

"Welcome to my world". Maya muttered

Lucas raised an eyebrow "What"?

"Nothing". Maya shook her head

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