let her go

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Maya had gotten through the entire school day, sucessfully avoiding Lucas.

She was walking home from school, alone, when Lucas would normally be walking her home

Suddenly she heard foot steps behind her, running towards her

"Maya"!, he panted "why didn't you wait for me like always"?

Maya was silent, just staring at the ground

"Maya..."? He raised an eyebrow

"You knew". SHe murmmered "You knew you still had feelings for her. And you knew it took a lot for me to let my guard down, and let you in, and tell you how I felt. You knew how much this would hurt me, you knew how much I loved and cared about you ... but you did this anyways. And you ruined everything".

"Maya where are you getting all this from"? Lucas asked "Maya I never did anything, I don't like Riley. I don't know why you don't trust me".

At this point Maya was crying "You went on a date with her Lucas! One smoothie two fucking straws! You guys have never stopped liking eachother"!

"Who's telling you all this"? Lucas scrunched his eyesbrows

"Charlie! He knows everything'. She sobbed

"Oh my fucking god", Lucas whispered

"What now"?! She yelled "Why are you still here, shouldn't you be with Riley"?!

"Maya, Charlie told you that because he likes you. He's trying to break up you and I so he can have you all to himself"! He argued

"Oh really, so now your gonna turn it all around on Charlie"?! Maya snarled

"i'm not lying"! He yelled "You'll find out for yourse;f eventually"!

"Theres nothing more to find out"! She crossed her arms "I found out everything between you guys, you might aswell hjust stop lying now because you just sound stupid"!

"So your gonna believe Charlie Gardner over your own boyfriend"? Lucas nodded

"Your not my boyfriend anymore". She shook her head

Oh", he started "So that's how this is now"?

"You know, it's really funny because ever since I was 14, all I wanted was for it to always be you and me. And I thought for once in my life, something good could finally happen to me. But turns out it was all a fucking lie".

"The only person lying is Charlie, Maya", Lucas replied.

"I can't believe you would stoop so low as to blame Charlie for this". Maya began to walk away

"So your just gonna walk away"?! Lucas yelled "From me?! From everything we had"?!

"Everything we had was a lie". Maya argued

"Whatever Maya", Lucas rolled his eyes "When you find out the truth, don't come crawling back to me".


"You told her that"?! Farkle's eyes widened

Lucas shrugged "Yeah".

"Do you even know what you meant by that"? Riley asked

Lucas was silent

"Lucas", Zay started "By saying that, you basically told her that even when she finds out the truth, there's no way in hell you would ever be with her again".

"I said that"? Lucas raised an eyebrow

"Pretty much". Farkle nodded

Lucas sunk in his chair "Well shit".

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