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previously ..
He chuckled "Do you like me"?

Maya sighed, knowing she couldn't keep this wall up much longer "Look .. Charlie, your a really sweet guy. And you have no idea how thankful I am that you've been here, to help me get through all this, and all the stuff you've done for me. But .. I just don't see you like that".

His smirk turned into a frown "What do you mean, you don't see me like that".

"I just don't have any feelings for you, romantically. I don't like you like that".

Charlie crossed his arms and nodded, he didn't look sad, he looked more mad than anything.

Maya raised an eyebrow "Charlie"?

"Are you fucking kidding me"? He muttered

She scrunched her eyebrows "Excuse me"?

"I did all this shit for you, I waited so fucking long, and you "don't like me like that""?! He raised his voice

Maya was taken aback "Charlie I'm sorry, really".

"All of this was for nothing"! He yelled "Breaking you and Lucas up was for no-"

Charlie stopped himself, realizing he had just busted himself

"What did you just say", May froze, they were right. Lucas, Farkle, everyone, they were all right this whole time. Maya stood there in shock, holding in her breath


"you lied". Maya whispered

Charlie just stared at her with his cold eyes

"You were the liar", she raised her voice "You did this! All this! You sick fucking bastard"!

He chuckled and whispered "I'm not the one who fell for it".

Maya took a breath "Fuck you Charlie Gardner", she snarled "Fuck you".

Charlie just shook his head and walked away, with a despising smirk on his face.

Maya just stood there, tears soon escaped. She was wrong, and they were all right. She didn't have faith in them, .. she was wrong

She wanted to go to Lucas, fuck, she wanted to just collapse in his arms, but she knew there was somewhere else she had to be

"Riley"? Corey walked into her room

She perked "what's up dad"?

"Maya's here to see you", he said.

Riley scrunched her eyebrows "What? No .. that's impossible

Maya walked in, and Corey left

"Peaches"? Riley smiled "Your back"?

"Yeah", she sniffled and wiped away a tear "Yeah, I'm back".

Riley patted a spot on the bay window, motioning her to come sit down

Maya sat down next to her, Riley soon noticed the tears in Maya's eyes "What's wrong? What happened"?

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