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they both pulled away, and just stared into each others eyes

A slight smile grew on Lucas's face "Your mine again"?

"I was always yours". Maya whispered

Lucas looked up at the rain, and they began to laugh, still in each others arms

"I should go home". Maya bit her lip

"Yeah", he chuckled "yeah, goodnight".

She giggled a bit, and began to walk off

"Maya". He stopped her

She turned around and raised an eyebrow

He smiled "I love you".

She smirked "I love you too".


"And then we just as good there, laughing , in the rain". Maya finished , talking to her bestfriend on the phone

Riley smiled "So you guys are official again".

Maya laughed "I hope so".

"I'm really glad your back Maya", Riley said "I don't know how much longer I would've lasted without you".

"Same here", she giggled "but enough with the sappiness , how are you are Farkle".

All of a sudden Riley got really quiet

Maya scrunched her eyebrows "Riles".

Riley hesitated "We're fine, it's just-... There's something I've been keeping a secret for a few weeks now, I didn't tell anyone because I wanted you to be the first person to know".

"What is it Riles"? Maya raised an eyebrow

"I um, well Farkle and I- I'm .. " she rambled

Maya laughed "Riles just spit it out

"I'm pregnant". Riley whispered

Maya's eyes widened "WHAT"?!

"Please don't get mad"! Riley winced "I'm already scared enough".

Maya lowered her voice volume "I'm not .. I'm not mad Riles, I just, I didn't expect this from you .. I thought you said you guys use protection".

"I did, we did, it broke". Riley said

Maya just stayed quiet

"You still there"? Riley furrowed her eyebrows

"Yeah, no, I'm here". Maya said quietly "Just thinking".

"I'll be okay peaches". Riley reassured Maya "I'm gonna tell my parents tomorrow, if I'm not at school, you know why".

"Can I come see you after school"? Maya asked

Riley giggled "Of course, just, do me a favor. Please don't tell anyone. Not even Farkle. I'm gonna tell him as soon as possible, I just want it to be in person".

"I won't I promise". Maya nodded

Maya finished packing her backpack , when she heard a knock at the front door

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