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1 week later

Maya has basically avoided everybody this entire week

She's only talked to Farkle, they are friends again, but Maya doesn't completely trust him yet

As far as things with Charlie go, him and Maya have been pretty close all week. He's been slightly flirting with her, but not obvious enough for Maya to realize it yet.

Right now she was in study hall with Farkle

"Maya, how many times do we all have to tell you", Farkle whispered "Nothing was happening with Riley and Lucas, It's Charlie who's lying".

"Are you trying to get me to hate you again"? Maya asked

"Maya, I love you and your one of my best friends, I only want what's best for you, and right now, the truth is what's best for you".

"Can we just not talk about Lucas, or Riley, or even Charlie. All I want right now from you, is a friend. Not someone to change my mind. Farkle I just want you to be there for me, and support me in what I believe even if you don't agree ... can you just be my friend".

Farkle pursed his lips "Yeah .. yeah im sorry".

Maya sighed "So you forgave Riley"?

"I thought you didn't want to talk about them"? Farkle chuckled

"Don't question my choices, just talk to me". Maya laughed

"Okay", Farkle nodded "But there was nothing to forgive her for, she wasn't being unfaithful".

"I heard you how ballistic you went on Lucas". Maya whispered "I know how mad you were, so your just gonna push all that aside".

"It wasn't the truth Maya". Farkle replied

Maya looked down at her notebook "How's Riley"?

"Not the same". Farkle shook his head

Maya scrunched her eyebrows "Why not"?

"Because she doesn't have her bestfriend by her side". Farkle answered "She needs you, Maya. And you need her, whether you like to admit it or not".

"I just need some distance right now". Maya said "I don't know who or what to believe".

"I'll tell you who not to believe, Charlie". Farkle started "And Riley wasn't the right person to push away. I get why you pushed Lucas away, but Riley .. that I don't get".

Maya held back tears, she missed her best friend, and she needed her now more then ever, but she couldn't go back, not now.

Maya pursed her lips "How's Lucas"?

Farkle shook his head "Don't know".

Maya closed her textbook "What do you mean you don't know"?

"I don't know because he barely talks anymore", Farkle replied "He's distanced himself just as bad as you have".

"Oh", her voice cracked

"Maya .. our group is falling apart. It can't be like this forever. Sooner or later your gonna have to except the truth. And sooner or later your gonna have to come back. Maya, things can't stay this way".

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