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Now, not only has Maya been avoiding Lucas, and all of her friends ... but now she's been avoiding Charlie as well

His crush on her is completely obvious, almost obsessive. Maya still isn't sure if he lied, and broke her and Lucas up on purpose, but she does know for sure that he likes her.

It's come to the point where just the sight of Lucas hurts Maya.

She's been skipping band practice, just so she doesn't see him, and she dropped out of the cheerleading team.


Lucas put away his saxophone, and walked out of the band room

The sun has set, and it was going on 8 o'clock pm. He technically wasn't supposed to be at school that late, but since Maya has been gone, he hasn't been one to socialize. And too him, two is a crowd. So he prefers going to band practice while everyone is gone. It's sad really, he just sits alone in the band room, he doesn't even play his saxophone. He just sits there and tries to think where things went wrong, and how he could have fixed things.

He walked out of the room, through the halls, and out of the front doors of the school

His mom was about 30 minutes away, so he was debating on walking home or waiting for her to pick him up

He noticed a figure in the grass, like a person. It was dark out, so it was hard for him to see.

Her chin rested on her knees, while she sat in a fettle position

All he seem was her blonde hair, shining from the moonlight, for him to know it was Maya

he hesitated "Maya"?

She flinched, a bit startled before looking up "L-Lucas ? Wha.. What are you doing here"?

He stuttered "Uhh, umm .. late band practice ".

she slowly nodded before looking back down at the grass

"what are you doing here"? He asked

She pursed her lips "Don't wanna go home".

He scrunched his eyebrows "why not"?

She shook her head "just doesn't feel like home anymore".

He nodded, as he stuck his hands in his pockets.

They both just sat/stood there awkwardly, in silence. That's when Lucas decided to just walk home and avoid the awkwardness

He began to walk away , "don't go", she stopped him

He turned around "what"?

"Please stay", she whispered "im tired of being alone".

He pursed his lips, and hesitated before sitting down closely next to Maya. She didn't hesitate to rest her head on his shoulder.

They just sat their, no words had to be said. They both felt at home, while they stared up at the moonlight.

"I know Charlie likes me", Maya blurted

"He told you"? Lucas asked

"No", she shook her head "it's just obvious".

He raised an eyebrow "so you believe us now"?

"I never said that", she shook her head again "I don't know if Charlie lied about what you claim he did, I don't know who lied, I don't know who told the truth, I just know he likes me".

dissapoiment was written across Lucas's face "Are you ever gonna believe us"?

Maya didn't say anything, she went back to staring at the moon

but you want her » lucayaWhere stories live. Discover now