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Maya and Riley had just gotten finished getting ready for the football game, since they were cheerleaders.

"Farkle and Lucas are waiting in the car down stairs for us". Riley perked "Let's go"!

Riley zoomed out of the room, only to walk back in a few seconds later, realizing that Maya wasn't coming.

"Peaches .. come on". Riley pursed her lips "We need to go".

Maya starred at the ground "I can't".

Riley scrunched her eyebrows "Why not".

"Just scared". Maya shrugged "I don't know what Lucas and I are, and things have been going so well, somethings gonna go wrong, something always goes wrong. I'm gonna mess up".

"Not if your confident , and if you beleive in yourself. Sure .. maybe you could mess up, but if Lucas really does want to be your boyfriend, then he would still like you even if you mess up. And whats the worst that could happen". Riley said

Maya sighed "I guess your right".

"So, get your ass up, and let's go have some fun"! Riley smiled

Maya giggled and got up, following behind Riley, out of the door


"What took you guys so long"? Lucas asked while Riley and Maya crawled into the back seat of Lucas's black jeep wagon

Maya looked at Riley for help

"Oh um..". Riley paused "Maya couldn't find her phone".

"Oh'. Lucas nodded

Riley gave Maya a look

"What"? Maya whispered

"Say something"! Riley yelled in a whisper

Maya hesitated "So um .. what time does the game start"?

Lucas chuckled "6:30, we only told you a billion times".

Maya sighed "Right".

There was a long sience

"Okay, what are you guys doing"! Farkle broke the silence

"What"? Lucas scrunched his eyebrows

"You and Maya! You guys are head over heels for eachother and your both being pussies and won't admit it, you guys won't even talk"! Farkle rambled

"Farkle's right". Riley pursed her lips "You guys need to talk, you both know you like eachother, so why don't you just admit it"!

Maya and Lucas were silent

Maya stared at her feet, scared out of her mind.

What if she wasn't what Lucas wanted?

What if he didn't feel the same, even though everybody keeps saying he does?

"We're here". Lucas said, with no emotion at all

Maya couldn't have gotten out of the car faster, she ran all the way across the football field, to where the other cheerleaders were

"Why would you guys do that"? Lucas asked while they all got out of the car

"Lucas, you need to talk to her". Riley started "She's so scared, because she doesn' t think you feel the same. She didn't even want to come today because she was afraid something would go wrong, and she would mess up".

Lucas's eyes traveled across the football field, where Maya was sitting, talking and laughing with the other cheerleaders

She was flawless to him, in every single way

but you want her » lucayaWhere stories live. Discover now