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listen to song above while reading :)

5 years later ...
(the core four is 21)

Maya and Lucas are engaged and have moved in together, a gorgeous little apartment in Brooklyn , along with their best friends , Riley and Farkle, who were recently married and moved into a cute little house just 2 blocks away

Since you've last seen them, Lucas and Maya have stayed together, more in love then ever. They all graduated high school together, while Maya started taking classes at NYU, Lucas and Farkle are working in the Minkus family business together, and Riley stays at home with her son, Landon, and her new son, Preston.

After Riley had Landon in the end of Junior year, she had to take a break from school, and just take some online classes while staying at home with Landon. But after a couple months, Landon was old enough for daycare, and Farkle would come home with Riley everyday at school to help take care of him, and Riley just had her newborn son Preston, 2 months ago

Lucas proposed to Maya one month ago, and he doesn't know it yet, but Maya is three weeks pregnant with their soon to be son or daughter .


Maya and Lucas are taking care of Preston, while Riley and Farkle are out on date night. And Landon is with Corey and Topanga

Maya cradled Preston in her arms and giggled "Look how cute he is".

"Pretty sure he likes you more then Riley". Lucas chuckled

Maya just stared down at the baby boy, caressing his cheek "Do you think I'd be a good mom"? She asked softly

"You"? He smirked "You'd be the most brilliant mother in the world".

Maya slightly smiled, "You wanna hold him"?

Lucas took Preston into his arms, and Preston immediately cuddled up into Lucas's chest

Maya giggled "You'd be an amazing dad".

"What's with all the baby talk"? Lucas laughed while slightly shifting Preston's position on his chest

"I don't know it's just .. " Maya shrugged "How do you feel about having kids? Like do you wanna have kids".

"With you, of course". He answered

She bit her lip "How many"?

Lucas chuckled "However many you want".

Lucas got up and laid Preston in his crib, "Do you wanna have kids"?

"Yeah", she nodded "I'm just scared they won't like me".

"Maya it's impossible to not adore you". He smirked

"I just don't know if I'd be good at it". She replied

Lucas raised an eyebrow "Maya"?

She locked her eyes in his "Yeah"?

He smirked "Are you pregnant"?

She softly smiled and giggled "How'd you know"?

He smiled "Because I know you , Maya".

She just stood there smiling, he wrapped his arms around her, and she rested her head on his shoulder

"We're gonna have a baby", He whispered in her ear, causing chills down her spin

She giggled and bit her lip "Yeah, yeah babe, we are".

They pulled away, Lucas grabbed Maya's hand and held it in his

"You and me forever"? He raised an eyebrow

She smirked "Forever".

He locked his gorgeous emerald eyes on her deep ocean blue eyes, never wanting to look away, because when they were looking into each others eyes, they were safe, they were at home . He slightly whispered "Because there's nothing like us".

the end


I'm physically not okay that this book is over, like I'm actually going to have a break down. 💀

But now I can focus more on "Only Fools Fall", and "Privileged", and make sure those are perfect and always updated on time. 👼🏼

Instagram : c.c.aitlin & lucayaloves 🐸

I love you guys so much, thank you for supporting and following through with this story ❤️

- caitlin 💍

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