truthful lies

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Maya walked into school, this time by herself

She didn't bother to go to Riley's and walk to school with her, like she had been doing since kindergarden. She just wanted to be distant from everybody today. She didn't even want to see Lucas.

She felt betrayed. If only she had heard the whole conversation. Because based on what she only heard, you can't blame her for assuming Riley and Lucas never stopped liking eachother, and that their now doing something behind Maya's back.

"Maya"! She heard Riley running up to her "Why didn't you come to my place this morning"?

"I was tired, I didn't feel like walking the extra distance". Maya mumbled

"You're tired everyday, but you've never ditched me". Riley shook her head "Peaches, are you sure your okay? You know you can tell me anything".

"I'm fine Riley, really". Maya resisted the urge to roll her eyes "Just feeling a bit under the weather".

"Maybe you should've stayed at home". Riley said

Maya walked up to her locker "I don't need your input".

Maya suddenly felt hands over her eyes, blocking her vision. She already knew who it was

"Lucas I know it's you". Maya uncovered his hands over her eyes

"Ignore her tude". Riley warned "She's cranky today".

Maya crossed her arms "Am not".

"What's wrong"? Lucas raised an eyebrow "You never replied to any of my calls or texts".

"Sorry". Maya pursed her lips "I wasn't feeling good, and I had tons of homework, and I was really tired".

Riley and Lucas both looked at her, unsatified

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't be making up excuses". Maya mumbled

"No, babe, it's fine". Lucas chuckled "We just want to make sure your okay".

"I'm fine". Maya shrugged

"Liar! Lies! Lies is what she tells"! Riley yelled

"Just calm down". Maya rolled her eyes and stomped away from the two

"Okay that was weird". Riley furrowed her eyebrows "Maya never lashes out like this".

"Should I go talk to her"? Lucas raised an eyebrow

"No". Riley shook her head "When she does this, it's best to just give her her space, or else she'll get even more upset".

"Do you really beleive the whole "not feeling well" act"? Lucas asked

Riley chuckled "Of course not. But Maya's hard headed, and it's best if we just play along. This will all blow over soon. She gets random mood swings every once in a while.

Lucas gave Riley a weird look

"No she's not on her period"! Riley snarled "My god"!

Lucas threw his hands up in defense "Just making sure".


Maya sat in between bookshelves in the quiet library, she needed to talk to a certain someone, and she knew she would fine him there.

She watched as Farkle passed by, she pulled him inbetween the small aisle between bookshelves with her

"Maya"?! Farkle said, startled "What are you doing here? This is not your territory! We do not cross force feilds"!

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