the way

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after school

Maya and Lucas were at the after school band rehearsal

Maya sat on her phone, trying to ignore everyone and everything around her

"Maya, you've been here for 30 minutes and you haven't even played a note". Lucas said

"I just don't feel like it". Maya shrugged

"Maya ... band is like you're favorite thing ever". Lucas sighed "What's wrong".

"Nothing". Maya shook her head "It doesn't matter".

Maya stood up and grabbed her bass

"Maya, it's band not strings. You can play you're base in strings". Lucas chuckled

"I don't care". Maya rolled her eyes

She started playing the notes

She was playing "Secrets" by coldplay

She began to sing the lyrics, softly and quiet. But loud enough for Lucas to hear.

He never really noticed this side of her. The beautiful, peaceful side.

He knew Maya to be rebellious and insensitive.

But this .... this a totally knew side. A side Lucas has never seen of her. A side he likes. A lot.

He slowly lifted his head from his biology book to look at the blonde beauty.

"You never told me you could sing". Lucas said

Maya stopped playing and stopped singing

"Didn't think you would care". Maya sighed

"Why would you think that"? Lucas asked

"Nothing". Maya shook her head "It doesn't matter".

Lucas opened his mouth to say something. But no words came out.

Maya pursed her lips and continued to play her bass.

Lucas sighed and pulled out his band folder

"Do you need a ride home"? Lucas asked

"I'm not going  home". Maya pursed her lips "I'll probably go to the bakery".

"Do you need a ride to the bakery"? Lucas asked again "I'm going anyways".

"To see Riley"? Maya tried not to roll her eyes

"Well yeah". Lucas chuckled

Maya put her base in the instrument cubbies "I think I'll pass".

Maya grabbed her backpack and started to leave

"Where are you going"? Lucas asked

"I don't know yet". Maya pursed her lips

As she was leaving she accidentally ran into Charlie Gardner

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry". Maya knelt down to pick up her books

"Don't be". Charlie knelt down to help her "It was my bad".

They stood and Charlie handed her her books

"I'm actually glad I ran into you". Charlie smirked

"Why, to get more info on Riley"? Maya asked as they both began to walk to Maya's locker

"No". Charlie chuckled "Riley's great and all, but you're a pretty cool girl yourself".

"Really"? Maya blushed

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