in too deep

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"Hi Riles". Maya sighed while crawling into her bay window "I'm sorry to bother you so late, my mom must have took the spare key, because its gone, and I can't get into the house".

Riley looked up from the book she was reading "Oh .. don't worry about it, you can spend the night".

Maya smile "Thank-you so much peaches"!

Maya walked into Riley's closet to find some pajama's

"So how was you're night with Lucas". Riley asked

Maya digged through Riley's messy closet to find some pajama's "Um .. fine .. I guess, how did you know he was there"?

"Oh". Riley shrugged "Farkle told me".

Maya slid on a grey v-neck "Why would Farkle tell you that .. how did he know"?

"Why do you seem so uneasy"? Riley chuckled

"I'm not .. I'm just curious". Maya grabbed a pair of red and black plaid pajama pants

"Oh .. well Farkle and I were just talking about you guys". Riley replied, trying to get Maya to confess her feelings for Lucas

"Why were you guys talking about us"? Maya asked, trying not to sound nervous

"Maybe because you been having a ginormous crush on Lucas behind my back". Riley mentioned, as if it were casual

Maya peaked her head out of the closet "WHAT"?!

Riley pursed her lips "Farkle told me..".

Maya began to panic and ramble "Bu-But I .. I never told Farkle, I never told anyone..-I-it was just a little crush I didn't think it would damage anything.. i-it wasn't a big deal, I was fine"!

Maya paused her self from speedily rambling and sighed "Riles .. I'm really sorry, you liked him first .. it wasn't my place to form feelings for him".

"You think I'm mad that you had feelings for him"? Riley raised an eyebrow "I'm mad that you never told me .. we're suppose to be best friends, I thought we told each other everything".

Maya stared down at her feet "But .. how was I suppose to tell my best friend, that I have massive feelings for the current love of her life".

"Maya .. no matter how bad the situation or the secret is, always tell me everything,even if your afraid it could jeopardize our friendship .. because no matter how bad it is .. I could never hate you, and i could never stay mad at you".

At this point Maya was holding back tears. She jumped onto the bed next to Riley and wrapped her arms around Riley

"I love you so much Riles". Maya cried into her shoulder

"I love you so much too Peaches". Riley smiled "But .. no more crying, I want you to tell me all about your time with Lucas".

"I was great". Maya giggled

"That's it". Riley raised an eyebrow "Give me details"!!

"There wasn't a lot". Maya blushed "When I got there , we were talking, and he told me I looked great".

"You can thank me for that". Riley giggled "I did pick out your gorgeous outift".

Maya smiled "Thank you Riles"?

"What else happened"?! Riley gushed

"When I was leaving, he said goodnight, and asked me to text him when I got back". Maya explained

"Did you text him"? Riley asked

Maya shook her head "No".

"Well what are you waiting for"?! Riley smiled "Text him"!!

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