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Lucas walked back into the band room, trying not to look like he was about to rip Charlie Gardners head off

But Maya can ready right through him, "Lucas .. you okay"? She asked

"What"? Lucas scrunched his eyebrows "I'm fine, totally fine".

"You sure"? She chuckled

"Yeah positive". Lucas replied, in a high pitched voice

And Maya knew, whenever Lucas was lying , he always talked in a high pitched voice

"Then why are you talking in a high pitched voice"? Maya smirked

"I'm not .. I'm not talking in a high pitched voice". Lucas shook his head

Maya smiled "Yes you are".

Lucas sighed "It's nothing to worry your pretty little head about, I'll be fine".

"Are you sure"? Maya tilted his head

Lucas hung his arm around her "Positive".


Maya walked out of her math class, when Charlie approached her

"Hey Maya", He greeted

"Oh, hi Charlie". Maya smiled

"So you and Lucas"? He raised an eyebrow

"Yeah", Maya smirked "yeah, finally".

"I'm really happy for you". Charlie perked

"Thanks", Maya perked "hey can I ask you something? Just between the two of us"?

He nodded "Of course".

"Do you have a thing for Riley"? Maya raised an eyebrow

"Don't get me wrong", Charlie started "She's a cute girl, just not what I'm looking for".

Lucas spun around the corner, spotting Maya and Charlie walking down the hallway side by side, talking.

He ran up to them, laying his arm around Maya, subtly claiming her his

"Oh hey guys"! Lucas smiled "Hi Charlie"!

"You okay babe"? Maya giggled "You seem a bit in the edge".

"Fine, fine .. completely fine"! Lucas perked "What about you Charlie, how've you been doing"?

"Great", Charlie chuckled

"Cool, what were you guys talking about"? Lucas asked

"Turns out, Farkle is a paranoid goose and Charlie doesn't have a thing for Riley". Maya chuckled

"Oh, that's cool, really cool"! Lucas blurted, he was definitely on edge, most people would assume he's on crack, by the way he's acting "So who do you have a thing for then"?

"Uh nobody right now..". Charlie shrugged

"Lucas can I talk to you"? Maya asked

Lucas shrugged "Sure".

Maya pulled him into an empty hallway

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