be with you

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Maya sat on her bed, in her white little booty shorts and her oversized rolling stone t-shirt

She was skyping Riley and they were currently trying to find bunny's for Riley to buy on craigslist

"What color to you want"? Maya asked while browing through the bunny offers

"All white". Riley replied "And make sure they don't have those weird ass red beaty eyes".

"Do you want a baby bunny or an adult bunny"? Maya raised an eyebrow

Riley gave Maya a cold dead stare "What do you think"?

"Baby bunny it is". Maya perked

Suddenly there was a knock on her front door, and since her mother wasn't home, she had to get it.

"Riles, theres someone at the door, I"ll call you back". Maya said

Riley sighed "Okay peaches".

Maya hung up and went to get the door

"Lucas"? Maya raised an eyebrow

"Hey Maya". Lucas slightly smirked

"What are you doing here". Maya leaned her head against the door

"Well I was originnaly gonna wait to tell you at school". Lucas started "But this couldn't wait".

"Alright". Maya pursed her lips "You wanna come in"?

"No, I have to be quick". Lucas sighed "My mom doesn't know I left".

"Okay, well what is it"? Maya chuckled

"Um, I'm really sorry for freaking out about that whole situation with Charlie at the football field the other day". Lucas apolaigzed "After hearing that essay you wrote about him, I can see how much you care for him, its not my place to keep you from him, and I'm sorry".

Maya scrunched her eyebrows "You think that was about him"?

"Yeah". Lucas nodded "It is ... isn't it"?

Maya hesitated "Um yeah .. yeah it was about him".

"I better get going". Lucas but his lip "I just had to let you know, I'm sorry".

"It's alright, Lucas". Maya smiled "You were just looking out for me, like a good friend would".

Lucas smirked "I'll see you at the orchestra concert tomorrow weekend".

Every weekend, Lucas and Maya's music teacher would take the students to some band/orchestra concert somewhere, as a reward for their hardwork

"I'll be there". Maya giggled

And with that, Lucas walked off

Maya sighed and she closed the door

"It was about you, you fucking idiot". Maya whispered to herself



Riley, Farkle, Lucas, and Maya all met up early on the football feild, just to hang out

Since the whole squad is basically insepreable , they always hang out during the weekends, since they cannot bare going 2 days without eachother.

Maya also invited Charlie, she sort of felt bad about what happened with the whole smoking situation and wanted to make up for it.

The core four were having a conversation about how Riley is a majestic butterfly, and how farkl was a jug of milk, when all of a sudden Charlie approached them

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