That's just odd

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/Anabeths POV\

Yes he kissed me! On my lips! My eyes widened as he did and his eyes shinned with joy, he must of liked the kiss and the reaction I had given when he did so. But wait! Could he just be messing with me for his own enjoyment? He is a demon...... but he has been so damn nice to me. I will just give in. I softly kissed back ,I had never been in a kiss , well which I wanted to be in anyway. He gently rested his white gloved hands on my cheeks, which heated up the slighests. He rubbed his tumbes over the side of my face where his hand wasnt already, just under my ears and it felt nice

He gently pulled away from the kiss with, which seemed to be another, genuine smile. "I do believe I lover you Anabeth" He whispered gently, his sweet smelling breath tickling my lips. "I.... I love you too Sebastian" I quietly admitted and he smiled and pulled me into a nice hug, his long thin arms wrapping around my small bony figure. I rested my head against his chest, and I closed my eyes and relaxed into his hest. He smlet so nice to me, It was too nice to be able to eplaine.

"What do we do now? Our masters are engaged now, does that mean we live here or" I rambled quietly, I had never been in a situation like this before, and it was very annoying being in it. He chuckled quietly at how flustered I was acting. He gently stood and pulled me into his arms again. I wrapped my slender pale arms around his neck as he held me bridal style and made his way to the kitchen. He walked smoothly , not letting me feel a bump not even once.

"For you questioin, that is all up to what our masters desier in the end. If my lord wants you mistress to stay and she wasnt to she would, the other way roun dif he didnt want her to stay, But I do believe that you and me know he will probably yes and she would go along. Am i correct?' He asked as he placed me down gently in a comfy chair in the kitchen and brought out what seemed to be a very beauitful dinner. I loked down at it in amazement, Yes I could cook byt not many demons were good at it becuase we cant taste human food, we can only tate a soul.

The yet again it was a whole another story with me, I could savour a human dishes, something some demons really want to experience. I slowly started to eat, after not eating for so long this teased like heaven. "Wow thanks Sebastian this is really good!' I said with a small giggle, yea I was letting my y girl side show? I realised and stopped the giggled and went back to eating quietly, hoping that he wouldnt laugh at my for my sudden outburst of laughing.

He put his hand on my head and gently ruffled my long black hair "You know you shouldn't always act so tough " He commented as he watched me eat. It was a bit odd having him watching me eat, it sort of made me feel..... protected but then it was like he was making sure I ate the whole thing at the same time.

"But that's sort of who I am now" I said quietly as I looked him in the eyes, I was only hungry enough to eat half of the food he had served up for me to eat. As I was about to tell him I was finished, a small bell rand. I looked over to a wall of bells and the one which was ringing was the bell which was marked under the tag 'MASTERS OFFICE' . Sebastian also looked up at the wall and sighed. He didn't seem to want to go.

"I shall be back. And if you can please do try to finish all the door, if you haven't you may go and put it on the bench" He said in his light British accent with a small wink and I had only just noticed he had taken his black tail coat off and had rolled up his sleaved. He had now rolled down his sleaves again and pulled on his tail coat on and then did the buttons up and walked towards the door. As he left the room I ate just a bit more and then putt the plate down on the sink and sat down again.

I really didnt feel like walking at all becuase i was reallt too weak to even be doing anything at this point. I sat back down on the comfortable arm chair. i curled up just like a cat would and snuggled into the chari more. I then accidnelty fell asleep.

/Roses POV\

I was sittning own with ciel in his study. i kept on looked at the beautiful ring he had given me... I cant believed im engaged! To Ciel Phnatomhive to top it all off! He gently pulled me onto his lap as he was sitting at his desk. He kissed my cheek and I blushed softly. "Are you hungry my love?" He asked me softly and quietly, since I wasnt in the best condidtion loud noises made my head hurt alot. I nodded and he gently held my hand in his.

He nodded and rang the small bell which was under his desk. He gently moved over so there was enough room for me, I gently slid into the spot and leanded agaisnt his side and he put one arm around me as he did little bits of work and I helped, not that he really needed it I just find it fun helping my new finace with work. Ow I just loved saying that!

Sebastian stepped into the room and bowed like he always did. "Yes young master" He now stood straight, in front of us, in front of the desk. "Lady Rose is hungry, please bring us something sweet" Ceil said with a smal smirk, I had a feeling sweets was something that Sebastian didnt give him regually. His eye brow twitched, I could help but have a weak smile on my fac,e making usre I didnt laugh as he bowed. I helf sort of bad for him.

"Yes My lord" He said as he left the room andd closed the door quietly behind him. Ciel yet again pulled me onto his lap and turned me a bit so I was now facing him, still sitting on his lap. I blushed softly as I looked into his blue sparkiling eye,. We were both bound by the same fate, a demon owned our souls, but how lond would our small paradise be if our contracts seem to be coming to a close end already, only just meeting? I lost my thought when Ceil gently smashed his perfect lips against mine.

I smiled sofftly and gently returned the already perfect kiss. We were in paradise right now, I really didnt care too much time I had left with him, but yes the thought leaving him scared me badly. But did he feel the same way about this problem?

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