All about us

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/Roses POV\

Not long after Sebastian came back into the room holding a silver tray with two plates, two peices of chocolate cake, one of each plate. They looked delisious. He placed both of the plates on the table in front of us. Ceil then picked up all the pappers he had scattered all over the table and put them into one neat pile to the left side of his desk. Sebastian had also made some earl grey, by cooincidence mine and Ciel's favourite type of tea. I ofound that very cute and humerous as the same time.

Ciel picked up his fork as Sebastian poured the steaming earl grey tea into two china cups. "Where is Anabeth Sebastian ?" i asked politely as I also picked up my fork, but gently put it down due to my hand was so shakey I would have just dropped it anyway. Ciel looked over to me, he seemed a bit concerned but then he shook it off, I knew he was going to bring it up after Sebastian had left the room. He looked back to Sebastain and also waited for his answer as he has a small mouth full of the chocolate cake.

"I just put lady Anabeth to bed Mistress, Master" He reasured with a small bow as he placed the two cups of tea to the right of our plates of cake, he was so kind and polite, but as Anabeth had taught me many times, that is what a demon will do to take hold of a humans soul, be gental and kind and play the human into their grasps and then take there soul when the human willingly gives the soul up. They were such cunning, yet interesting creatures.

This made me think more, was my beloved Anabeth falling for one of the demons tricks? She had so many human qualities which could easily be taken advantage of, well now I was really worried about her and Sebastian being together.

" I have a particular feeling that you have feelings towards Anabeth, and I right Sebastian?" My young fiance asked his butler wil a small smirk as he leaned his elbows onto the table, and put the work down on the plate next to the slice of cake. I was shock he could even think that that was happening between the two demons, but it was ture, did they have feelings towards eachother? I looked up to Sebastian again as he seemed to try and think up a posotive answer to the question he had just been asked.

"Yes you can say that, We both share feelings for one another" He asnwered with a small nod. Mine and Ciels eyes widened. They really do have feelings for one another!?!?! This was Amazing!With a capatal A!!Me and Ciel looked at echother and then back to the demon butler in front of us. I didnt know how to answer and I was sure Ciel didnt have the slighest clue how to answer to this either. It was interesting to know a demon could actually love, after hearing and seeing demons you would think they didnt have the heart to love.

He saw the expression on our faces and smirked "And I do believe the both of you right now are thinking 'ow how can that even happen?' and I correct?" He asked the both of us and we nodded. He bowed and turned to leave. He left the room closing the door. Me and Ciel looked to each other again. He gently kissed my cheek and held a fork full of my cake to my lips, a small smirk lining his pale ivory lips. I blushed gently and opened my mouth and ate it.

"You seemed to be having trouble" He explained his actions and I nodded. He was just so sweet and kind to me. "I was" I admitted quietly as he helped me eat the rest of the cake, spoon by spoon. After we finished out cake we sipped our tea, which I don't know how I but I managed. After that I was starting to feel drowsy. Ciel saw this and stroked my hair gently and stood slowly from his mighty chair, so I wouldn't move too much or too fast.

He gently picked me up and he walked to his room, which wasn't too far away from his study. He gently pulled the blankets back and slid me in, I snuggled into the big pillows and he pulled the blanket back over me and I looked up to him. He kissed my fore head and sat on the other side of the bed "Are you going to have a nap?" He asked me as he held my hand as he watched over me. I nodded slowly and rolled onto my back and closed my eyes.

"I will watch over you" he then decided as he slipped his some-what high heels off and laid his legs on the bed. He groaned, he realised he wouldn't be able to put his shoes back on without help from Sebastian or another servant. I giggled softly as he looked over to me, I guessed he knew what he was thinking and sighed."Dont worry I know how to tie shoe lases" I said to him as I kissed his plan as a small tint of blush made its way to his cheeks and he quickly looked away.

I loved the way he reacted when I teased him, Just like a small child fondling over which candy to choose.

The Female Butler ➡ Sebastian X OCWhere stories live. Discover now