some things lead down

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Hello everyone. I am sorry that this might not be as well written as my other stroies, becuase this was one of my very first fanfictions. this was the first one I had ever published and I will go over the chapters soon and I will start to edit them. Please barw with me and I just hope that it wasnt too bad.



/ Ciels P.O.V\

Anabeth and Rose still hadn’t awoke from our sleep yet, as the doctor had described they must not of had little to none sleep in all the week that had been staying locked up in this room. The doctor decided to get a closer looked so he slowly moved forward bringing a candle stick in not wanting to wake the two by opening the blinds.

He placed his black bag down and I and Sebastian watched near the end of the bed. He gently separated the two and got out a stethoscope and checked Rose first. He gently placed it over her heart and he slowly moved away.

He didn’t looked to happy so he did some other physical tests; he felt her pulse and then decided to look over her arms.

“The isn’t in good shape at all” he said a bit sadly as he opening his small black doctors bag wider and he reached his hand in. “She is lucky to be fully breathing” He slowly sat her up and gave her a small needle which was fed into a drip.

I swear I felt tears felling up but I quickly hid it behind my emotionless mask, no I couldn’t be weak in front of someone, especially Sebastian ”She could be out for a couple of days” He looked to the both of us for a second and then moved on to Anabaeth, who seemed to look worse than Rose was.

He started his check up on her, she was in the same condition that Rose was in but being a demon did add a bit more of a risk to her being sick, she could become a easy target for another demon if not protected or not gotten up to be fit again, and yet again Sebastian wasn’t too happy by this information, knowing also that there was a double threat in the words only me and him would be able to understand.

“This female is on the brink of a coma, one she may not wake from” He said, he seemed to be sad about the information he was finding out about the two.

But who wouldn’t be?

I then noticed Rose was stirring, her eyes shot open and she screamed ripping the cord out of her arm and scurrying back, the look in her eyes… she looked like she was going to be killed. Then before she could open her mouth to even call for her servant, Anabeth shot up and pulled Rose into her chest protectively and moved back. She also looked a bit startled and scared “D-don’t come near us” Anabeth ordered.

Her voice was so weak, barely able to be herd. I could just think of how Sebastian was feeling, he probably felt like punching something to ashes at this point.


I pulled my mistress back quickly and held her close to my chest “D-don’t came near us” I stuttered, my voice was so weak from whispering all the time.

I could see Ceil and Sebastian standing at the end of the bed and I pulled her back more and she gripped my arm more. The doctor stood and said something quietly to the two at the end of our bed and left the room as mine and Roses gazes looked up at the two males.

“You should have taken care of yourself” Ceil said sternly and I felt my mistress shake. She gripped even harder and her nails dug into my skin, small lines of blood trailing down my arms but I didn’t care. “Rose listen to me!” He yelled and she still didn’t move her head up, she was shaking more and more tears feel down her pale white cheeks.

“Lord Phantomhive you’re scaring her” I growled angrily as I put her behind my back and I sat in front of her cross legged.

“Now the both of you get out of her and don’t let that doctor any were near us” I hissed, my eyes only able to shine the smallest bit of pink , I was unable to make them glow fully like they usually would. I didn’t make eye contact with the both of them.

I could see Sebastian was somewhat glaring at me, yet it seemed like his fiery eyes were full of concern, nahh I would be delirious, I wasn’t in the best shape. I kept a cold glare on the two as they looked to each other quickly and then back to us.

“Anabaeth don’t talk to an earl that way” Sebastian hissed and I felt another pang in my heart. “Sebastian step down” Ciel said as his eyes seemed to go a bit remorse full and caring.

“She is scared of doctors since she was molested by one. I was raped by another, so get him away from here” I hissed again and the two male’s eyes widened. Yet Ciel looked like he was about to cry when he turned to face the door.

“If we send him away you shall come down stairs and we shall talk this out” He ordered simply before leaving the room, Sebastian shutting the door behind him as he left, the room engulfed once again in darkness.

The Female Butler ➡ Sebastian X OCWhere stories live. Discover now