this is the end

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this is the last chapter of this series !  I hope you all enjoy this! Thank you for reading and don't forget to comment !




This is when Sebastian let out a humain growl. His shadow started to morph from his muan shape as he pushed my further behind him and I gripped onto his arm, a bit scared of what this spider demon could do to me. "You are never going to touch her!" He bellowed towards Claude, who only had a sickoning smile gracing his plae lips as his eyes once again turned pinkish. I closed my eyes tightly, I was really scared now, who wouldnt be scared if someone was trying to kidnap you and take you away from the ones you loved?!.I shuddered and kept my eyes closed but opened my eyes, I would have to be ready to fight if he did decide to attack.

This is when it started. The fight to stay alive.

Then out of the gloom four other demons appeared around us, two starting to make their way to the Phantomhive manor. There were triplets, they all had short purple hair and their eues were already demony. They had slits and the demonic glow. A maid was with them, and she semmed slightly familiar. She wore a special maids dress and had her long purple hair , which was fish tailed braded . Her eyes were also the ones of a demon. Her smile was friendly, but yet so mean and cold. I had my back now against Sebastians, my hand still intwined by mne, ready to fight who ever came towards me and Sebastian , but I had to get to the manor!

Just then Claude charged forward at Sebastian and he quickly sprung into action. Sebastian lept towards Claude as I ran towards the manor while Sebastian toke care of Claude.. I then hurd a scream come from the manor and I started to run harder so I could get there faster so I could protect the young masters. Then as I was running something pulled me back and smashed me roughly into the ground and I gasped in pain as i let out a small whimper of pain. I looked up to see I was being hled down by those demon triplets, they gripped my arms and legs tightly and drew blood as I struggled, they dug their nails into my skin roughly. After a while of sturggling I finally broke free.

I looked forward towards the manor to see that demon maid holding a uncnsious Rose. "You levae my mistress alone! I roared angerily.My anger flared seeing this and I sprinted forward once again. Not long after again something smashed into my leg and it sent my flying to the ground, skidding on m side as I let out a small painful cry. I was once again pinned by the triplets. I almost broke free from then again but they had this odd syringe and smashed it roughly into my arm and I let out a strangled cry of pain as my body went limp and I fell down to the ground "Anabeth!' I hurd Sebastian call out to me.

I still weakly struggled on the ground. The inxection was flowing through my veins roughly and I was in horrible pain. I let out a small whimper as I looked up and saw a blury tigure frowarding towards me. I was lifted from the ground and I saw a flash of bright golden. "Anabeth! Mistress!" I hurt the voice call again "Seb-ast-ian" I muttered as I tried to get back to him. I wanted to be with him! My eyes slid down and my hands and legs were tightly bound together. "Your mine" Claude growled evily in my ear as he hit me over the head. I let out a small cry of pain as I hurd a growl, a very savage one. I then fell unconsious, but then, I semed to leave this human world.

/Sebastians POV Third Person\

'Damn it!' Sebastian thought as he was now surrounded by Claudes spider web, he was trapped, they could easily kill them with one wrong move. he has tried to move a bit but it only cut through his skin like a knife through butter. He had hud Anabeth's strangled cry of his name, this only made him even more furious, since he couldnt do anything to help his love. Claude had walked over to her and picked up her limp body from the ground. He bounder his arms and legs tightly and let another whimper again. He tried to make it out of the spider demons web but it didnt work. He saw Hanaha with the young mistress. Ciel must hve been nocked unconsious. once again this only made him even more angered then before.

"Your mine" Sebastian hurd Claude growl into Anabeth's ear. This made Sebastian unleash a loud growl of fury, which echoed in the trees that surrounded them. Claude then smashed Anabeth over the head and she then fell unconsious. Claude then truned to the crown demon with a devilish smirk gracing his pale lips once again. Sebastian never gave uup on trying to get away , his shadow once again stared to form into a un human like figure. Before Sebastian could even change into his demon form and escape, the four other demons were out of sight, carrying the two young females who were so deeply loves. The spider thread fell down to the ground lifelessly and he was about to sprint into pursute of the other demons, but his duty was to his young master, so he sprinted towards the manor.

As he got to the room he found his master cuffed to the bed stand in his bed room. With one click of Sebastians fingers the chains fell to the ground and he stood rubbing his wrists, the echoe of the clatter of the cuff echoed through the two males ears. "I order you to gret them back you damn demon!" The young blue haired male boomed at his butler as he sharply slapped Sebastian across the face, and the one thing which surpised the demon was the tears welling up in hsi young masters eyes. For some reason he no longer had his eye patch over his comtract symbol, it was scattered over the plsuh bed, ripped down to the threads. He looked down at his master sympatheticly and reached to get another eyepatch. Sebastian tried it over his conract eye and put his hand over his heart and bowed.

"Im sorry master, but we have to plan it out" Sebasrian said in a sort od strained voice. Ciel looked away and whipped his tear stroked face. "Well hurry up demon, I wan my finace back and I bet you want your mate back" Ciel said with a small smirk........

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