my life in a sentence

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Authors note-
well guys I finally figured out howo read the comments you guys leave on my sotries, and all I can say is thank you, thank you so much for loving this story and actually carking to comment and give me more motivation to keep writing.
Please continue to comment becuase it means alot to me ! ^^ thanks guys

(Anabeths P.O.V)

     My life in a sentence to me was: I am nothing but a hated monster and depression is just around the corner.
        but as my mistress says about my life is: You never fail in your work, you truly are like a sister.

Well the truth was; I failed you mistress and that just pushed me over the edge into my own personal hell, which you also seemed to be in. I am sorry mistress yet I cant change anything yet you still call me a magnificent butler and maid,  how am I like that to you? You say I am perfect to you, a angel, yet a demon. how how how!!!

We both were sitting in your room alone, its been this way for a while, I think a week to be correct, we hadn't left the room since that night of the ball. There was many reasons that we both had to stay in this room. You didn't want to see Ciel and you were still crying of what happened. 

She also had gotten me to cut her hair short yet she still looked beautiful, she bleached her hair also so it as pure white as snow and her eyes sort of had the dead look, this was the first time anything of this sort had happened to her and I knew how much it hurt, I had been through it , it kills. She had small habits now, she had smashed al lthe widnows and pulled the blinds down, so we couldnt see ourselves and it was always dark.

She cut my hair the smallest bit and bleached the bottom, she said it looked nice and I thought it did. the reason I was still in here was..... I bet your all thinking I was in there because she ordered me to right? Well I was there to comfort her as a sister, not either a maid or a butler and she had called me her big sister a couple of times now and it made me happy.

Also I didn't want to go out there and face HIM. He who would make fun of me by me not saving my master from being hurt, I was a pathetic excuse for a butler and maid, and a demon. I was one big mess but I staid at her side no matter what.

They would nock and put food as the door and we would pick it up and only eat half of our food and throw the rest out the window. I became sleep deprived and so did she, This was what happened to a girl which was love sick and had a bad butler at her side. Many say we are over reacting, Yet we know what was happening.

I had heard them talking about they had called a doctor and he was coimg over tomorrow and I was a bit scared and so was she, yet we had different reason to be scared we just hated doctors.She was madly in Love with Ciel Phantomhive, and I was madly in Love with Sebastian michaelis.


My life in a sentence: I was a total arse of a man, I discarded this family name and I had hurt the one I loved.

Yet Sebastian's words were different: I had a perfect soul and you haven't screwed up.

How could He say that after what happened a week ago? How could he still put up with me when those two girls are still in there room sand havent came out of uttered a word to anyone but themselves. How how how!!

The past week has been a living hell, I hadn't seen Rose face scene the incident. I had yelled at Elizabeth so loud because of what she had done, She hurt Rose and Elizabeth cried and she did it. She pulled off the engagement. She had left the manor and I yearned to see Rose but I didn't have the guts to go to her door and use my key to get in.

Her eyes that night were devastated and broken and it hurt me. I had been more cold and snapped into some anger attacks throwing things around in pure anger and Sebastian would have to stop me. I had three asthma attacks also, I was a nervous wreck. All because one girl.

Sebastian also seemed to be acting odd too, I had a great guess it had to do with Rose's maid/ butler being locked up in the room. You could just tell he had feelings for her and I could easily tell because of our bond through our contract. It surprised me, a demon was able to love, well this world was full of mysteries .

She is all a demon in turn and they way she had acted around him (He had told me for some random reason as I told him about Rose) She wasn't one of those love sick girls, She was a strong girl and she wasn't afraid to talk back, the perfect girl in his eyes.

Sebastian would leave food outside the door for them to eat. hey would take it but the servants would find more then haldof each other their meals on the ground under their window, they hadn't shown any signs of coming out soon and me and Sebastian were getting worse, we worried and thought the worse for the both of them, they weren't eating and we could hear the crying late at night which probably meant they were both not getting any sleep.

Sebastian had called a doctor and he was coming tomorrow, we just hoped that they would open the door. One night we smelt bleach and that was the cause for one of my spaz attack, and I knew Sebastian was scared slightly from the look in his eyes.

As it was set. I was madly in love with Rose. Sebastian was madly in love with Anabeth. And it was tearing us apart not seeing them.

Yet this all happened becuase I screwed up. Why must I be so stupid at times? I really wanted Sebastian to eat my soul, but if the two came out what would they come out to if me and  Sebastian were gone and not there to give them the comforting they needed? They might even take drastic measures.

The Female Butler ➡ Sebastian X OCWhere stories live. Discover now