her point of view

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Sorry that I havent been here in ages, and that I havent updated. should I continue this story???? Please do comment, I would like to know what you think of the story. also please read some of my other stories and comment and like if you like them ^^ it would mean alot to me. thank you

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(Roses POV )

As Anabell asked me the question I nodded in response, I just had to tell her what happened, I couldn't keep it botteled up inside it wasn't good for my health "Ok it all started when..."

(Flash back to the ball)

I was having the best time ever! I was spending time with Ceil and I really did like him and he liked me also. We had shared a surprising and out of the blue kiss in his office a couple of hours abo, and that stated the way we felt about each other. We kept on glancing at eachother and then we started to have a small conversation. We were getting along very well.

We started talking about what had happened today really quiet so no one would hear, we didn't want people to spread romors and then things would start and it might rewin Ciels status and I could never let that happen to him.

We then went to the food table and had a small drink and we were still talking. I filled him in on the full details on why Anabell was dressed as a girl and he fully understood, you told him I felt safer if a boy was there and that Anabell said she could dress up as a boy so we all went along with it and I told him about hoe she was going to be a maid and a butler at the same time. He also found it amusing just like me.

Just as it seemed we were about to kiss for the second time today. A high pitched voice yelled out "CIEEEEL!" I was pulled away from my beloved blue hair boy by a blonde blur. As I was able to focused I was a blonde girl hugging Ciel tightly. "I missed you!' She said as she pulled away after hearing Ciels strangled pleas to be freed.

I could feel my blood boil, what was she doing with MY Ciel? Wow I had just called him my Ciel. I mentally laughed. Thus girl wasn't even pretty, but it was easy to tell she was a diva, the pink dress and the bows, she had two blond pig tail and green eyes, but maybe that was what Ciel liked it girls?

"Elizabeth!' He said as he pulled the girl away. He looked to my apologetically, now I had a bad feeling that I was going to be hurt. I didn't want to be hurt now, not just after finding the person I loved,  I didn't want them taken away from me!

No matter what I would do everything in my power to stop me from loosing him. I felt my feelings starting to go bad, they knew something was going to happen and it was already eating me from the inside out.

Just then before any of the three of us could talk the music started, which meant dancing! I had a feeling that Ciel was going to dance with this girl Elizabeth , not me. Just when I was going to turn away to find a partner a hand appeared in front of me and I looked up to see that it was Ciel. Yes he picked me over this girl!

I could see that she was glaring at me and that meant that she wasn't very happy about this.

'Would you give me this dance Rose?" He asked me softly and kindly and it made my heart melt more then it already had. "Of course" I smiled and placed  my hand in his and he take me out to the dance floor. We got into the stance, his hand on my waist and mine on his shoulder, this is were it was good that I was the same height as him, we were both pretty short for our age.

Our free hands were entwined together and we looked into each others eyes, well I looked into his eye and he looked into mine. We both smiled weakly as we were both having problems with the dance.

We were both pretty bad at this. We laughed together quietly as he twirled me like the other partners did. We both then saw Anabell and Sebastian dancing as we both laughed again quietly. not every day you see two demons dancing together, smiling and laughing and having a good time. MY stomach was filled with butterflies the whole time! It felt so nice yet weird at the same time, I just loved being with Ciel.

After the dance finished we bowed and curtsied and Elizabeth ran over and mine and Ciel's lips touched and we didn't noticed. I heard the gasp and then there was a sharp pain in my cheek. I pulled away and held my cheek wincing as a tear slid down my cheek as I saw Elizabeth kissing Ciel

"Don't touch my fiancé!' She said to me and my eyes widened and I looked to Ciel and his eyes were full of regret and he looked really sorry as I turned away and ran to Anabell, I couldn't take it!

This must mean Ciel lied to me about loving me! That evil two timing pig! To think I really loved him and gave him all he wanted. My eyes watered a lot and I tried to hold it in until we got into a separate room so I wouldn't make a huge sence but I knew there was already a big one.

As usual she hugged my tightly and told me everything was going to be alright even though we both knew that it would be hard to fix this. she then toke my up to my room. I just loved Anabell so much.

( back to normal time)

'And that's what happened" I said looking up to Anabell as eh had tears in her eyes as she hugged me tightly and I hugged back "I am so sorry I didn't save you mistress.." She whispered her voice full of regret.

No she wasn't the one to blame for this.

It was Ciel Phantomhive and his two faced life and his Diva fiancé.

The Female Butler ➡ Sebastian X OCWhere stories live. Discover now