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A/N: just because it was requested by @BVBUTTERFLY and I feel bad for cutting it off so abruptly... Thanks for sticking with it this long, and thanks to all of you who still have it in you libraries. You're the best xx

Wedding planning, Andy decided, makes a simple thing far too complicated. It took Jez and the wedding planner the better part of a year to plan everything out, only to rush ahead at the end when they found out Jez was pregnant.

Safe to say Will was not happy with Andy regarding that particular detail, but seeing as Jez was happy he couldn't be too harsh on Andy. The ceremony was gorgeous and elegant and simple. There was really no need for all that planning in Andy's mind, but if it made his bride happy, who was he to complain?

Simple was what he was trying to keep in mind again when it came to discussing baby names. They were laying in bed together watching some movie neither cared about when it came up. Andy's hand were rarely away from Jez's belly now, constantly fussing over how her and his son or daughter was doing, as they opted to wait on finding out the gender.

"I like Finnegan," Jez said at one point. "And it fits the trend. Long first name, short nickname, seeing as we could call him Finn." She continued.

"I like Finn, but do we really want to curse our child with a long name like we were cursed with long names?" Andy asked jokingly.

"I like our names. Besides, I think it'd be cute. Finnegan Biersack. Finn Biersack." She shrugged a little.

"Alright, babe, we can do the long names if you really want. What about a name like Kaiden then? It's about as long as Andrew but not as extravagant as Finnegan." Andy offered.

"I like Kaiden. Then, what for short? Kay or Kai?" Jez asked, lacing her fingers through Andy's.

"Either or both. Who says you can only have one nickname?" Andy asked teasingly, and Jez giggled softly.

"Fine. Kaiden what? Like what middle name goes with Kaiden?" She asked.

"Um... Leo?" Her nose wrinkled.

"Kaiden Leo? That sounds terrible. What about Kaiden Oliver?" She offered in response.

"Much better. What about girls then?" Andy asked.

"I still really like names like Genevieve and Gwendolyn," she pushed. "We could call her Gen or Eve or Evie for short or Gwen from Gwendolyn!" Andy bit his lip.

"They're pretty names, babe, don't get me wrong, but don't you think they might be a little too complex? Think simple, we want them to be able to spell their own name." Andy said gently, knowing that at any moment she could burst out crying.

"What would be simpler, though? Amelia to Mia? Christina to Chris or Chrissy?" She asked. Andy shrugged.

"What about like Katrina to Kat or Roxanne to Roxy or Anne or even like Amethyst to Amy?" Andy offered.

"I like that.. Roxanne Violet Biersack." She hummed, and Andy sighed in relief. He didn't want his first kid to have to deal with trying to spell Genevieve or something.

The first time Jez experienced false contractions, she was sobbing in pain, writhing on the bed with tears flooding down her cheeks. The second time she was only slightly quieter.

The next time she felt that pain, like her insides were coming undone, it was the real thing. She was undoubtably more calm than Andy, but doubly impatient as well. They made Andy change if he was to stay for the actual birth, and there was no way in hell he was letting go of Jez's hand at that point.

The worst part was her screams. He knew that this was what they both wanted, but it tore him apart to hear her scream like that. Especially when she begged for him to help and it was all he could do to kiss her knuckles or her cheek and remind her that it'd be over soon. It would be a far assumption of his to guess that that was not what she wanted to hear, but he had nothing better to offer.

Besides, he wasn't wrong. So when Jez's screams were replaced with baby cries, they couldn't help but exchange looks of pure amazement, as they looked down at their baby boy.

"Kaiden Oliver Biersack, welcome to the world," Jez whispered, and Andy kissed her hair sweetly, staring at their sweet little boy with electric blue eyes.

"He's perfect," Andy heard himself whisper. Jez just smiled.

Years later, when they made each other cry and scream and their little boy grew into a young man who sometimes made the wrong decisions and didn't always say the things he meant, they realized that he wasn't perfect. Then, neither were they. But that's what made it perfect. And watching a cute little five year old Kaiden play with his baby sister Gwen, well, maybe they came to realize that perfect is overrated anyway.

Besides, who needs perfection when you have happiness, and an older brother taking care of his little sister, and young parents meeting friends then boyfriends and girlfriends and then fiancées? Who wants perfect when you can have grandparents on a swing on the front porch watching the sun fall from the sky and watch their legacy carry on, through the dark and towards the light?

In the end... Who needs perfect, when you can have life?

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