Ch. 11- It's Different Now

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Jez's POV:

I hated saying the words, his face looked so hurt, but I couldn't not say them. I can't date band members, let alone lead singers. Especially because Andy was always Del's favorite. I felt like I would be stealing him from her. It didn't matter how I felt. My head wouldn't let me be with him. He continued hugging me, despite the fact that I probably just seriously offended him.

"I'm going to prove it to you. I'm not letting you get away, Jez." Well that could be taken as either really sweet or really creepy.

"Andy, I-" he silenced me with a soft kiss.

"Just give me a chance." I sighed. There was really no point in arguing with him further.

"I can't promise I'll fall for you and we'll live happily ever after," I warned. He kissed my nose.

"I'm okay with that. You're all I want." I blushed. And he kissed my cheeks. My god, he was sweet. To be honest, I was feeling more connected and alive around him than anyone else. Though that might just be because he caused such a swirl of my emotions that it would be hard to not feel alive. That, and the fact that he kept in constant contact with me. He was still holding my hands, even now.

"We can head out now," I said softly, still embarrassed. He kissed the top of my head.

"You're cute when you blush." He kept an arm wrapped around my waist when we walked out. Wendy glared at us.

"Slut," she hissed.

"That's rich, coming from the queen of whores," I replied snarkily. She drew back, looking offended. Andy laughed loudly, but quickened his pace out.

"No need to be a bitch," she said. That pissed me off. I stopped dead, Andy as well.

"I'm sorry, but you're the one who started this. I didn't do anything to you, ever!" I said, genuinely surprised.

"Delilah would still be alive if it weren't for you!" She shouted. That was too far. I walked right up to her and smacked her, hard across the face.

"You have no right to talk about my sister, you little whore. She was a fantastic person with a genuine problem! If she had better friends she might still be here, if anything it's your fault!" I started off in a furious whisper, but it turned into a yell soon enough. Tears were streaming down my face as I shouted myself hoarse. I ran out of the building, collapsing I don't know how far away. Andy was beside me in a second, and held me tightly as I sobbed. He whispered soothingly to me, softly rubbing my arms. Thank god I didn't bother reapplying make up, his clean, white shirt would've been horribly stained. He probably would've said it didn't matter as long as I was okay. He pulled me into his lap, still comforting me as well as he could. I think I just needed to cry, and what I appreciated most was that he let me, he didn't make excuses trying to get me to stop. Even after I had calmed down, he rocked me gently in his arms, kissing my forehead and my cheeks and my nose and hair and all over my face, except my lips.

"It'll be okay, Jez. You're okay." He kept muttering over and over again.

"We should go see Ash," I muttered into his shirt.

"You're in no state, Jez. You need rest. As in, actual sleep." I bit my lip.

"I can't go back in there and face her." I said softly.

"My apartment's empty, same with the house the rest of the guys and I live at. We can go to one of those if you want," he offered. I nodded hesitantly. Before I could even start to get up, he'd lifted me easily. I was too tired to fight, and just wrapped my arms around his neck, and leaned against his shoulders. He set me down gently in his car, then started driving.

"Which one are we going to?" I asked sleepily.

"Uh, my apartment's closer so I figured we could just go there unless you would prefer-"

"It's fine, Andy." He smiled. That's the first time I've ever seen him even a little nervous.

"Want me to carry you inside?" He asked. I lifted my arms in response. He just chuckled, and picked me up, closing the door with his leg. A few people looked at us, amused, but neither of us paid them any attention. Partially because I was half asleep. I was exhausted, and stressed out, and now depressed thinking about Delilah. I ignored the fact that I couldn't be with him, and cuddled closer to him. He was really my best friend, which was kind of sad, seeing as I just met him last month. I had no better friends. No other friends, period, to be fully honest. I was ready to fall asleep when I realized what day it was. My eyes flew open,

"Andy I have to make a video today," I said, mentally slapping myself because I had no plans.

"I have a camera you can use if you need one," he offered, and stopped in front of a door.

"But I don't know what I'm going to do!" I complained. He set me down for just a second to unlock the door, then lifted me again, laughing.

"Just do one of those tags or have people tweet you questions or something. I can help if you want,"

"There won't be enough time to compile enough tweets to make a video before like 9 o'clock tonight." He shrugged.

"There might be if we both tweet it." I was too tired to argue. The sooner I got the video over and done with the sooner I could sleep.

"Okay. I'm not doing a super long video, though. I do want to sleep." He just nodded, laying me down gently on a bed, then grabbed a camera from the desk. "Do you have a tripod?" I asked, propping myself up on my elbows.

"I don't do this for a living. I can grab a stool from the kitchen, though." He left to go do that, and I sent out a tweet, calling for questions.


Hey guys(: a special guest and I need questions for tonight's video! Tweet then out using #RealityCheck same as always(: thanks

Andy came back in, setting the camera up on the stool, then dropping onto the bed beside me.

"Did you ask for questions?" He asked, tracing circles on my hand and wrist. I was too tired to pull away.

"Yeah. When you ask we'll probably get more answers, though." He just nodded, typing out his tweet with one hand. "We should probably wait at least an hour before the video, so what do you want to do until then?" I asked. He pulled me against him by the waist. I tensed a little, but relaxed fairly quickly just because I was tired and he was warm.

"I just want to talk. I want to know everything about you," he whispered, kissing my nose.

"Where do I start? By the way, if I fall asleep in the middle of a sentence or something in sorry but I'm tired and you're comfy." Whoops. I wasn't going to say that last part

"That's okay. Just tell me anything. From favorite color to darkest secret. I don't care."

"I like black and blue and red. And you smell good." Fuck. I need to stop talking. I'm not going to date him, shut up already, Jezebel! He chuckled, now rubbing my back.

"I think you like me a lot more than you claim." He said softly, then leaned down, and kissed me softly, and shortly, but it left me breathless. "Go to sleep, Jez. I can tell you need it." I cuddled closer to him, and was asleep almost instantly, his heart beat strong in my ears.

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