Ch. 12-Videos

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Jez's POV:

I woke up to someone gently shaking me. Instinctively, I rolled to my other side an went to bury my face in the covers, but ended up pressed against someone's chest. My eyes flew open, and found Andy smirking slightly at me, his hand still on my waist.

"Good evening," he said, the smirk turning into a smile.

"What time is it?" I asked, rolling on to my back.

"Time for the video. I put together a list of the first 50 questions. Just a warning, some of them are pretty... Interesting." I sat up with a groan.

"Interesting sexual or interesting what are you smoking?" I asked.

"A little of both."

"Oh joy. Alright. Give me five minutes, then we can do the video. I forced myself out of bed, then realized I had no idea where anything was.

"Bathroom?" He asked, reading my mind. I nodded. "First door on the right." He pointed as well. I walked in, and stared at myself, splashing water on my face, trying to wake myself up. It worked. It was turned to ice cold. I dried myself off, then grabbed my lipgloss, determined to make myself look human. My hair was actually decent, the cute wavy bed head, not the traditional rats nest bed head, so I left that as is. Whatever. I usually tried to look extra nice for my videos, but fuck it. I was tired, and would probably go back to sleep after it was done. I walked back out, and saw Andy scrolling through a list on his phone. I plopped down on the bed beside, reading over his shoulder. I cringed a little. The first question I saw was pretty sexual. He laughed a little at my reaction.

"Don't worry, that's towards the bottom. We probably won't get to it," he reassured me. Still. People were pretty disturbing with some of these questions.

"Alright. Let's start this thing." I walked over and flipped the camera on, then hopped back on the bed. It was a nice memory foam mattress so I sank in, then rose back up.

"Hey there strangers!" I said, smiling at the camera. "As you can see, I have a very special guest with me here, the one and only Andy Biersack, lead singer of Black Veil Brides." He smirked at me.

"One and only, huh? If only you treated me that special off camera." He teased. I pushed him gently.

"Shut up, I'm at your apartment, aren't I?" He laughed.

"Fair enough. This is my bedroom, by the way. One of several, actually." I raised my eyebrow at him.

"How many bedrooms do you have? Most people have one." H laughed.

"I think it's pretty safe to say I'm not normal. There's this one, the one in the house I share with the guys, I have one at my parents house, our tour bus is really a huge bedroom that the five of us share, then we all have bedrooms in all of our apartments, so that's like what? Eight? Something like that." I shook my head at him.

"Anyway, the reason we're here as most of you probably know, is to answer some of your burning questions. Andy put together a list and let me just tell you I am terrified. I saw one question. Let me just say you guys are fucking kinky." Andy laughed again.

"Okay. Question one. How did you two meet?" We exchanged a look and burst out laughing.

"We met under the weirdest circumstances, let me just say." I said, once I caught my breath. "We met in a cemetery, then we had to book it to the hospital because-wait can I say that?" I asked, not sure if they wanted everyone to know Ash was hurt.

"I have no idea. Let's just go with because someone we know was hurt. Yeah. Great story, right?" He asked jokingly.

"Question two. Gimme." I held out my hand for his phone. He passed it to me, and I looked at number two. "Are you two dating?"

"I wish," Andy said, wrapping an arm around my waist.

"That means no," I clarified. He rested his chin on my shoulder, his lips dangerously close to my neck.

"Andy," I said warningly.

"Jez," he said, smirking.

"Video, remember? Your turn for questions." I handed him the phone. He pouted, but read it.

"How tall are you? I'm 6'4." I knew he was tall, but I didn't realize how much.

"You're legitimately a foot taller than me." He laughed.

"No way, stand up." I did, and he stood behind me. The top of my head was at the height where when he wrapped his arm around me I could just fit under his arm.

"I feel so short now."

"Well that's okay cause I feel tall." He stuck his tongue out at me. I rolled my eyes.

"What's your most embarrassing childhood memory?" I asked, reading it off his phone. "Middle school. Enough said." He looked thoughtful.

"Well according to my parents I did some pretty fucked up shit as a kid, so I'm gonna go with that, even though I have no idea if it's true." I laughed.

"What did you do? You have to give us an example," I practically begged.

"There was a lot of nudity. That's as much as I'm saying online. You mind if I smoke?" I shook my head.

"Just up the fan on." He got up and flicked it on, laughing as he did. "What's so funny?"

"The next question." He sat back down, and lit a cigarette, offering one to me. I just shook my head. I've smoked before, but I never really got into it. "What's your favorite sexual accessory; whips, chains, or vibrators?" He asked, smirking. My jaw literally dropped.

"This video just got like X-rated. Is that seriously what they asked?" He nodded. I shook my head. "People are fucking weird. I'm not exactly into the whole bondage, BDSM thing. I've never used any of those things." Andy was still smirking.

"Whips are fun." I whipped my head around to stare at him.

"Seriously?" He just blew out a stream of smoke. "To use or get used on?"

"That sounds like a dominate or be dominated question so I'm gonna respond the same way I always do. Asian girl, smiley face, hot dog." I shook my head.

"Like I said. Fucking weird." He smirked again.

"Or weird fucking." It took all of my strength to not face palm or smack him.

"Next question." He handed me the phone. "Would you rather ride a unicorn or a Pegasus?"

"Is that supposed to be sexual?" Andy asked, laying back.

"Fuck you! I was perfectly comfortable with that question until you made it sexual! Why?!?" I grabbed his pillow and started beating him with it while he cracked up. "I hate you so much."

"Love you, too." He snuck a kiss to my cheek. Ugh. He shouldn't be allowed to be that adorable and that frustrating at once.

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