Ch. 3- Thanks For The Memories

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Woohoo. First new chapter since I decided to change up the story line. Comment pretty please.

Jez's POV:

Long after the song finished we just sat there, side by side, each mourning a different death. "When did she die?" I asked softly. It would be easy enough to look at her tombstone, but I didn't want to sit there in silence anymore.

"She shot herself five months ago to the day. We'd been together for years. I knew she was depressed but I never knew how bad. I thought I could help her through it. I was going to propose that day. Had the ring and everything. Got back to our apartment early from tour, and found her lying in a pool of her own blood." He whispered, not taking his eyes off the headstone. I wanted to comfort him, but there's not like I could do anything. I was in practically the same boat.

"My sister, Delilah, slit her wrists, three months ago, July 7th, the day before our 22nd birthday. I wasn't supposed to be out that day, we were just going to have a lazy day, but my once best friend was in town and I wanted to go see her, and her son. I brought them back to our apartment so Delilah could see them, and my friend's three year old son found her curled up in the bathtub, soaked in her own blood. I still hear his screams." I whispered. I wasn't fully there anymore. I was replaying the scene in my mind. Lily, my friend, and I looking for Del, her son screaming, and rushing to him, to see my sister's corpse in our bathroom. Lily threw up, and her son just wouldn't stop screaming. I was numb and horrified and shocked and hurt and a whole slew of other things. I was drawn back to the cemetery by Andy squeezing my hand gently.

"Do you want to go get a coffee? There's a small cafe just up the road that I usually go to after I visit her." He offered softly.

"Okay," I whispered, wiping away the tears I didn't realize had started to fall. We both stood up, keeping our hands locked together. A part of my, hidden deep away from sadness, was freaking out, but I knew it wasn't supposed to be romantic. It was a comfort thing. That this was real, I'm still breathing, nothing's completely changed the world. We were walking in complete silence, until he started humming. I recognized the tune easily. All My Heart, by Sleeping With Sirens. I started humming as well, and he looked down at me, smiling a little. I blushed, looking down at the ground. He laughed softly, breaking the tune. He lead me into a small cafe at the corner of the street, holding the door for me to slip inside. It smelled like coffee. He pulled me up to the counter where an older woman was waiting, and smiled at her.

"Hello there, Andrew, you're late," she mock-criticized. "Who's this young lady you've brought?" She asked, smiling at me.

"This is Jezebel," he said, like it wasn't a totally tabooed thing to mention around Christians. I was expecting an outburst. She just smiled though.

"What a beautiful name for a beautiful young woman," she said.

"Thank you, ma'am. You're very pretty, too," I said, smiling. It was true. You could tell she was a little older, but she looked like she was filled with life. Her smile widened, and she looked up at Andy.

"I like her, Andrew. You should keep her." I turned bright red.

"Oh no, we're not together," I said, trying to not stutter.

"Really? You look so cute together, though. Don't let this one get away from you, Andrew." I glanced up, and he was blushing, too.

"Can I get a medium hot chocolate with extra whipped cream and marshmallows," Andy said, I smiled widely.

"Make that two," that was literally exactly what I was going to order. He smiled at me, too, and we walked over to a table in the corner, taking seats opposite each other. I'll admit, I didn't want to let go of his hand, but it would be awkward to not be together, but hold hands over the table. "She's sweet," I commented as we sat down.

"She's my grandma," he admitted. I laughed.

"Well that explains why she was calling you Andrew, not Andy." He looked up, and grinned.

"I knew you were a fan." I raised my eyebrows.

"How?" He ticked them off on his fingers.

"You came with me, which people generally don't do unless they know at least a little bit about that person, you didn't even blink when I mentioned tour, and you knew I go by Andy, even though Drew's the more common nickname for Andrew." I smiled.

"So, you caught me. Del and I both listened to your stuff. It's pretty cool that Black Veil Brides watches my videos," I said, and smirked at him.

"Okay, how'd you know that?" I mimicked him, and ticked them off on my fingers.

"You wouldn't have asked someone you just met to come get a coffee with you unless you knew at least a little about them, and you knew my name, even though I never told you it." He smirked.

"You caught me, there. We all like your videos. Can't say I'm as dedicated as CC, who watches them the second you upload, but I'll watch them all." I smiled.

"You know, if today wasn't today I'd be beyond excited to hear you say that. Don't get me wrong. I'm still happy, but I can't be really happy today."

"Well why not, dear?" Andy's grandma asked, coming up with our drinks. I smiled a little a the J she had made in the whipped cream with marshmallows.

"Three months ago today my twin sister killed herself," I whispered, keeping my eyes locked on the letter. Until I heard a smacking noise, and saw Andy looking offended.

"Andrew Dennis Biersack this girl lost her sister and you got her a hot chocolate? You poor girl, he has done something nice for you today, hasn't her?" She asked.

"I actually just met him about an hour ago, but honestly, it's nice just to have someone here." She smiled.

"That's sweet, darling. Andrew, why don't you introduce her to the boys. I've never seen them fail to make someone smile. Especially Christian. He's a natural comedian." I giggled slightly at Andy's horrified look.

"Grandma, if you're going to share embarrassing childhood stories, can you at least wait until I'm not right here?" I laughed again.

"That's what I like to hear. Laughter. Now go see the boys, Andrew. And Jezebel, sweetheart, you're welcome back anytime." I smiled a little, grabbing my drink as she hurried us out the door. Andy linked his fingers through mine again.

"Sorry about her. She means well."

"No, it's fine. I wish I had grandparents like that. I've never met my grandparents."

"What? Why?" Andy asked, looking genuinely shocked.

"They hated my mom because she got pregnant after being raped, and my mom hates them for abandoning her, so my family is pretty messed up. Plus, they're very religious, and because of the names my mom picked for Delilah and I, they refuse to even acknowledge that we exist. They didn't come to her funeral, didn't say anything. I was expecting at least a call. Nothing. With my mom gone now, too, I couldn't even tell you what they looked like." He squeezed my hand once more.

"I'm sorry," I shrugged it off.

"I've gotten so used to heartbreak and disappointment sometimes I can't even feel them anymore," I replied in a small voice. "I just get numb. To everything. And it's the worst feeling in the world to not even be able to feel alive. And that's been the majority of my life." He stopped walking and pulled me tightly into a hug, leaning down to bury his face in my shoulder.

"No one should ever have to go through that." I hugged him back, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Maybe not, but they always will."

I have entered a feels war. I suggest you abandon the story now if you can't handle misery.

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