Ch. 33- Let's Laugh Again

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Kaitlyn's POV:
I don't know what I'm supposed to do. Wes has always been the one to protect me, and now he was hurt. It felt like the world had turned over on itself. I somehow found myself curled into a ball in a corner of the lobby, contemplating my brother. How many times has he done this same thing whenever I was hurt? Or after my attempt? How did he manage it? I knew he was alive and I still felt like I was being crushed.
The only time I looked up was when there was a loud smack as the doors swung open, and a thick British accent started speaking.
"We need um, fuck, Jake, Jake Pit-" I knew the voice instantly, and the face matched up.
"I'm sorry, you-" the nurse started saying, but I cut her off, walking over to them shyly.
"I'm with Jake. Follow me." My voice was softer than I intended, but I couldn't help it. Danny and the rest of the AA boys smiled at me.
"Thanks, but how do you know Jake?" Ben asked.
"Oh, um, well my best friend just got engaged to Andy, and my brother was hurt trying to help him. I'm Kaitlyn, by the way." I said, leading them back into the maze of white walls.
"You're a YouTuber, right?" Danny asked in a casual tone, but I saw the recognition in his eyes.
"Yep," I popped the 'p' just for fun. It made him smile, which made me feel better.
"I thought I recognized you." He said in the same casual, I-couldn't-care-less tone, but I caught what he wasn't saying.
"Mhm. How many years have you been watching?" I asked, stopping outside Jake's door. He blushed slightly as the rest of the guys called him out on his lie as well.
"A while, if I'm being honest," he admitted finally.
"That's what I thought." I smiled at him, surprised at how easily I was pulled from my mood.
"So is this Jake?" He asked, changing the subject. I nodded.
"He should be awake, but, um, he can't talk." I found myself scratching my wrist, a nervous habit of mine. Danny immediately grabbed my hand, pushing up my sleeve. My scars were almost completely faded, but they were there, along with a tattoo I'd gotten a while back, 'Unless' above an infinity sign. He visibly relaxed when he saw no fresh wounds.
"How long have you been clean?" He asked softly. I bit my lip.
"Over a year, now." I whispered. He hugged me gently, quickly, but it somehow made me feel like it was all worth it, the struggles of my life and all the worry about my brother.
I smiled shyly at them as they went in, Ben winking at me as he did.
Part of me wanted to go back to Wes, but I didn't think I could handle that. I ended up aimlessly wandering around the hospital for almost an hour, eventually stopping at a vending machine and pulling a crumpled up dollar from my pocket.
"What happened to your brother?" Danny's voice asked from behind me, startling me to the point where if I was holing anything of value it would've broken because I dropped everything in my hands.
"My god Danny you scared me," I accused. He just smiled slightly, and handed me another dollar, as mine managed to get stuck beneath the machine. He didn't say anything, and I sighed before answering his question. "He was stabbed." I took the dollar from his hands. "Jinxx did it, lower back, close to his spinal chord, but missed it, so he'll be able to walk and such." I didn't want to talk about Wes. The problem was that I didn't know what I did want to talk about.
"Oh." Danny said after a long moment. "I'm sorry, Love."
"I know. That's all anyone is. Sorry." I didn't mean to snap at him, but I hated that expression.
"That's not what I meant." I raised an eyebrow at him as I grabbed my Swedish Fish.
"Then enlighten me." I folded my legs underneath myself, and looked at him expectantly. He sat down beside me, taking the time to plan out what he was going to say.
"I meant that I was sorry to have asked. You don't exactly try to hide how little you want to discuss him. I was just sorry that I brought it up."
"Oh." Now I really felt bad. I felt his fingers lace through mine, and I looked up at him.
"I'm also sorry you have to go through that. Luck doesn't seem to be on your side recently." He didn't comment or even look at our hands, so I decided not to either.
"I don't know. I feel like it's give and take. I mean, I've now met two of my favorite bands, and am pretty good friends with the Black Veil Brides guys, so I don't know." He smiled brightly at me.
"Asking Alexandria is one of your favorite bands?" I blushed and nodded. His hands switched, so he was reaching across his torso to hold my hand, and his hand closest to me wrapped around my shoulders. I hesitated, then laid my head against his shoulder, sighing deeply.
"I kind of just want to fast forward, you know? I want my brother to get better, I want Jez to marry Andy already, I want to put all this pain behind me. I don't want to be here." I found myself saying. Why was I being so deep and philosophical? He pressed a scratchy kiss to my forehead, making me smile and snuggle up to him.
"Then don't be here. Close your eyes, and be anywhere you want." I considered it, but didn't act until he gently touched my eyelids.
"Closed." I giggled, but did as he said, and closed my eyes.
"Now picture anywhere you want to be. How it looks, how it sounds, everything. Are you picturing it? Or are you just laughing at me?" He asked, chuckling.
"No, no, I'm picturing, I promise," I said, but the giggle I couldn't help but released said otherwise.
"Don't make me tickle you," he warned.
"No! Don't you dare!" I shrieked as his hands approached my stomach. He didn't obey, though, and continued, his fingers brushing my sensitive stomach, making me shriek and flail.
"Close your eyes," he said, laughing.
"Never!" I said, gasping. I tried to push him off, but he caught my wrists and pinned them above my head.
"Close your eyes," he growled in my ear. I gasped, but did as he said. I couldn't help but smirk, though.
"What are you going to do to me?" I asked, in my best seductive voice. I felt his lips move from my ear, ghosting along my cheek, then vanishing from my available senses.
"This." He replied, his breath hot on my cheek, then kissed me slowly. I responded happily, hardly able to believe that it was Danny Worsnop, messing around with me next to a vending machine in a hospital.
"Still against tickling?" He asked, pulling away. I opened my eyes.
"If that's my punishment, then yes." He chuckled, and kissed my cheek.
"Never know, Love. The reward for doing what I want could be better." I raised an eyebrow, then mock glared at him.
"Hey! You spilled my candy!" I complained loudly. He rolled his eyes.
"My most sincere apologies, Kaitlyn." I smirked.
"Somehow, I doubt that." He just laughed.

A/N: Some fluff for Poptart xD
Sorry about the deep/not fluffy parts I'm still second-hand pissed off but it think this is pretty cute xD

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