Ch. 18-Missing You

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Bold italics is CC. Regular italics is Ash.


They made Ash and I ride in an ambulance to the other hospital. It was a little uncomfortable to me, due to the *cough cough* fun Ash and I had before the explosion. My torso was way worse than my ass, though. I had burns all over my chest and back, and while they weren't as bad Ash's, mine were spread over my entire torso, so I had it worse. Not that his arm didn't look like it had been through literal hell, but just everywhere hurt on me, as cliche as it sounds.

"Well aren't we just a couple of accident promise fuck ups," Ash muttered, leaning back against the side of the ambulance.

"We should make a pact not to get hurt again for like at least a week once we get out," I commented, playing with my selves a bit so he knew I meant self-harm as well.

"Deal." He held out a hand, and we shook on it. The nurse-a guy this time-smirked at us as we did. I wanted to hold his hand and have him tell me everything would be alright but we couldn't. I wasn't ready to come out yet, and I have no idea how Ash felt on that, so we stuck with squeezing each other's hands as we shook. That's probably as intimate as we'd be able to get for the next several hours.

I felt like a war veteran as we walked in, injured but alive, feeling like I'd seen plenty of shit in my time. In my time. Wow. Now I sound like a war veteran, too. Almost instantly when I got there they pulled off the bandages to reapply the cream, which was a pretty awkward process for everyone involved. They were basically feeling me up with lotion, and were female, and I had a boyfriend, and it was just really, really uncomfortable. I was relieved when out on new bandages and left.

I have no idea how they went through that without turning tomato red and were still able to look me in the eye. I mean, I know I was blushing, and I don't even like girls! Or maybe that's why I was blushing. I grabbed my phone, which someone survive the explosion, and lazily scrolled through messages. I just wanted to go cuddle with Ash. But no, it wasn't even like we were in the same hall so I could go see him without making a scene no he was at like the complete opposite end of the hospital. I ended up texting him. Surprise surprise.

I miss you.

I tapped out the message, half wondering if he even had his phone. It could be destroyed, or one of the other guys might have it. Shit. Shouldn't say something like that, then. I erased it, then wrote something less incriminating.

I'm bored:P is there anything to do at hospitals except cry?

That should be okay. I sent it, biting my lip. I'm not sure why I was so worried about the guys finding out. It's not like they would hate me. We all openly supported homosexuality, I just didn't want to make things awkward between us. At least, that's what I told myself. I knew it was just because I was a coward who wasn't ready for the world to know I like guys.

If you weren't so far away we could have more fun, like this morning(;

Definitely Ash. I blushed a little at the text, but smiled. To be honest, I was a little worried he'd just get up and leave after sex, if not literally, at least just not want anything more to do with me.

Very fun(; I miss you

Now that I knew that it was him I could risk a text like that.

I miss you, too. Hopefully I'll get to see you soon<3

He said, making me blush even harder and smile wider. He was so perfect.

I just kinda want to go home and cuddle up with you and Crush under a bunch of blankets and watch movies.

A second after I sent that I realized I had no idea of Crush made it. I frantically called Andy, praying he'd pick up.

"Hey CC, you make it to the-"

"Is Crush okay?" I interrupted. I knew it was rude but I was really worried about the poor dog.

"Yeah, his fur got singed a little, but he's good." Andy responded. I sighed in relief.

"Thank god."

"How're Jake and Jinxx?" Andy asked, in the same worried tone I used.

"I don't know. I'm not exactly allowed out of my room," I grumbled, annoyed.

"That sucks, man. Jez and I are heading over that way now, though. Do you have any idea when you're getting released?"

"I wish. They treat me like I'm blind, dead and dumb. They don't tell me anything. And I'm so incredibly bored!" I groaned, dropping back into my bed.

"Doesn't the pain keep you from getting too bored?" He asked, sounding surprised.

"They gave me some shit painkillers. So I don't even get to see cool colors or whatever it is you get when you're high. Nothing. Just boring white walls. Not even black," I complained.

"Just be happy you're not in pain. Gotta go, Cee." I sighed.

"Bye." I hung up, and called Ash instead.

"Hey sweetheart," he answered.

"I'm bored," I complained. I get bored easily. Don't blame me, I'm a hyper person, I have ADD and ADHD. I need to keep moving, and have something to do. Ash chuckled, knowing all that about me.

"I'm sorry. I wish I could do something for you, but I don't even know where you are." I sighed.

"That makes two of us. The good news is that Crush is okay." He laughed.

"Very good news. Jake sounded okay when I talked to him but his leg looked pretty smashed up."

"Good thing we've got a nice break from tour to heal. I think we'll all need it." I said softly, playing with my sleeves, one my bad habits, as it made the sleeves fray super easily.

"Don't you think it's kinda funny how we always said Andy's the most accident prone of all of us and now he's the not one not physically injured?" I laughed aloud.

"Ha! Didn't even think of that! Looks like Jez is giving him trouble, though."

"I know! She didn't strike me as one to play hard to get but damn, he's like head over heels and she's not giving!"

"She was practically hanging of his arm earlier, though..." I trailed off, trying to decipher her.

"CC." His voice was serious. "I just realized something."

"What's wrong?" I asked, not seeing how the situation could get worse.

"We have turned into teenage white girls gossiping about their friends relationship status." He said it like someone had died, but I burst out laughing.

"Oh my god." I choked out. "How gay can we get?" I asked, laughing.

"Apparently very. Ah, shit. Here comes a nurse. Gotta go. I love you," he said, the words sending an entire zoo stampeding through my stomach.

"I love you, too."


A/N: fluffiness is adorable, isn't it? Yep. I think I might rip it away next. Or keep with the cuteness and healing. Who knows(;

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