Ch. 24-Trouble in Paradise

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Jake's POV:

I woke up to Jinxx softly kissing up my neck. I rolled over and smiled at him.

"Hey. When did you come over here?" I asked, leaning against his chest.

"A while ago." He said simply. I smiled.

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"You looked too peaceful. Besides, they had you on pretty heavy narcotics. I figured it'd be best for you to sleep it off." I smiled at him again.

"That's sweet." He kissed me gently.

"Why are you here, though? Andy's coming this morning," I mumbled.

"No he's not. I told him I wanted some time alone with you." He leaned down and started sucking on my neck. I was frozen.

"What do you mean?" I asked, shocked. I wasn't ready to come out. Not to the guys. Not to the fans. Hell, I was barely able to tell Ash! Jinxx just chuckled, though. How could he laugh at this?

"You came out while you were high. They asked me about it and I told them we were together." He shrugged like it was no big deal.

"What!! Jinxx you know I didn't want to come out!" I said angrily. He looked hurt, but right now I couldn't worry about that.

"Hey! I didn't do that! It was your fault! If you didn't say anything they wouldn't have come to me!" He said just as angrily.

"You think I could control that? You were supposed to cover for me! That's what a good boyfriend would do," it was a low blow and I knew it.

"Fuck you," he snapped, getting out of bed angrily.

"You wish. Get out. Or, you know what? I'll leave. Bastard." I grabbed the crutches beside my bed furiously, and hobbled out, trying to make myself seem as pissed off as possible, but the crutches were kind of ruining the look. To the point where when I finally made it to the cafe, people smiled at me like I was a cute little kid. No! Fuck you! I'm angry and likely to cut a bitch!

"Hey, mind if I sit?" I angrily sighed in my head, and turned, the sigh disappearing. He was hot as fuck. Black, stylishly messy hair, a pale face, and one blue, one green eye. I had to remind myself that I was still technically in a relationship about forty times in the nanosecond I spent just staring at him.

"Go ahead," I responded, trying to sound casual. He smiled at me. Fuck. Think about Jinxx, Jacob. You have a boyfriend. Who's being a humongous asshat and doesn't seem to know boundaries, but a boyfriend nonetheless.

"I'm Wes," he held out his hand.

"Jake. Are you, like, in here in here?" I asked, because clearly I'm an intelligent being who knows how to properly phrase a question. He laughed light heartedly.

"Nah. My little sister's a you tuber, and did some challenge and like slipped and hit her head, so they're checking for a concussion. Were you in the other hospital fire?" I smiled grimly.

"That obvious?" He blushed a little. Aw. That was adorable. Fuck.

"No, I, um, I remember seeing you on the news." I laughed a little.

"Believe it or not that's actually pretty normal, so no judgement here. Yeah, I was in the fire. Fucked up my leg, so now I'm on these." I slapped the crutches gently.

"Have fun with those. I broke my ankle when I was in high school, and had to have crutches. After one day I was ready to fuck the consequences and just walk. They hurt like actual hell." I grinned sarcastically at him.

"Oh yay, I can't wait. In all my 28 years I have never once had crutches and I hate that I have to break that streak." He smiled.

"It's funny because when you don't have crutches they're all you want and you'll play with everyone else's, but when you have crutches it's like walking stick from hell." If I had a drink I would've just snorted it I started laughing so hard.

"Walking stick from hell is the most hilarious thing I've heard in my life," I said once I could breathe again. He laughed.

"Thanks. That was totally off the top of my head, too. So, are you single?" He asked, and winked at me. I sighed.

"Technically I'm not, but my boyfriend's being a douche about everything right now, so I'm not sure how long it's going to last." He looked concerned.

"I'm sorry, what happened?" I glanced up at him, but couldn't see any ulterior motive in his face.

"I didn't want to come out to our friends yet. I'm not mentally prepared for he repercussions of that. Sure there may not be any, but I'm paranoid. He basically told me it was all my fault they knew and that I should go fuck myself." Wes frowned deeply.

"No offense intended, but he sounds like a bit of an asshole." I laughed humorlessly.

"He's acting like it. I don't even know right now." I sighed. He reached over the table and squeezed my hand.

"I'm sorry, Jake. Do you want to walk around for a bit, maybe take your mind off things?" He offered.

"That'd actually be really nice, thanks, Wes," I smiled at him. I could use someone who would listen right now. He stop up quickly, helping me up as well, and steadying me when I wobbled. We smiled simultaneously at each other, making me blush a little. He laughed lightly at my reaction.

"You're adorable," he said, doing nothing to help me stop blushing.

"So are you. I mean have you ever even looked in a mirror?" I joked.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He said, still laughing, but he looked worried. I pressed the call button for the elevator.

"You're fucking gorgeous, Wes," it was his turn to blush.

"That's sweet," he mumbled, staring at me. I returned the gaze, and he shifted forward slowly, giving me time to move. I couldn't, though. I was mesmerized by him. He cupped my face, softly rubbing my cheek with his thumb. He tilted my chin up as he leaned down, and gently pressed his lips to mine. I closed my eyes, even though it only lasted for a second.

When I opened them again, he was still close to me, smiling widely. I smiled back, surprised at how true it was.Then the guilt set in. I had cheated on Jinxx, my usually fantastic boyfriend, with a stranger.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help it though," Wes whispered.

"It's not your fault, Wes. I kissed you, too."

"But now I've completely ruined your relationship," he insisted. "I should just go." And since the elevator doors were open, he realistically could. I hobbled out, then caught his wrist before he could walk away.

"You didn't mean to, Wes. Keep in touch, okay?" I said, pulling out my sharpie and writing down my phone number on his wrist. He smiled slightly.

"Okay. If things don't work out for you two, will you call me?" He asked, writing down his own on my wrist.

"You'll be the first one." I promised. His smile widened.

"Good. Can I give you a hug?" Aw, now he was being shy. How cute. I nodded, and he wrapped me in his arms, being cautious around my leg and crutches. He was taller and more muscular than me, so I pretty much melted into the hug. He kissed the top of my head, then let go, and stepped back.

"Bye, Jake," he whispered.

"Bye Wes." He smiled, then tucked his hands in his pockets, and walked off. I went to open the door to my room, but Jinxx's voice stopped me.

"Who was that?"

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