Ch. 17-Pain, with love

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Jake's POV:

I was surrounded by the collapsed walls of the hospital. that's what I woke up to, and immense pain all over. That wasn't my first worry, though. My first thought was about Jinxx. He had been beside me when everything imploded, but I couldn't feel him anywhere.

"Jinxx?" I called, but my voice was weak, and croaky. Probably from the smoke that still hung in the air. I coughed, and cleared my throat, then tried again. There was no response. I tried to move, only to find the pain worst in my legs.

"Help!" I yelled. "Anybody! Please!" I vaguely heard scrambling above me.

"Jake! Is that you?" Andy. His voice was hard to mistake.

"Andy! Help me!"

"Just hold on!" I heard retreating footsteps, then several more coming back. A few minutes later, sunlight broke through the debris above me.

"Give me your hand! I'll pull you out," Andy said, lowering his arm near mine.

"I can't. My legs are trapped," I said, thoroughly freaking out.

"Jake, Jake listen to me. Breathe. In and out. I need you to stay with me here. Can you move them at all?" I took a deep breath, and tried moving my left leg first, just to moan in pain. "Okay, maybe not,"

"No! Wait! I can move my right!" I said, wiping the tears off my cheeks.

"Good. Try kicking through the thing covering it so we know what to move." I did as he directed, biting the inside of my cheek to keep from screaming as it jostled my other leg.

"Got it! You can stop. We're gonna get you out of this, Jake," he promised.

"Is Jinxx okay?" I asked, knowing I probably wouldn't like the answer.

"I don't know." He hesitated before answering. Oh god. I didn't want to get out of this if Jinxx couldn't. He promised me we'd get married and adopt adorable little kids together and grow old together and just be together, constantly. He promised me every morning no matter how bad he'd kiss me, he promised we'd work through every fight and misunderstanding an that nothing would separate us and I swear to whatever god there is if he's not okay I will personally rip apart the earth trying to get back to him.

I bit my lip, trying to stop the tears.the debris got shifted off my legs, and Andy pulled me into the sunlight. I felt numb. And terrified. And broken. Hopelessly, helplessly, broken. I didn't look at my leg. It knew it was probably crushed. Like my heart and soul. I was carried into and ambulance, butI wasn't really paying attention. Ash came in eventually, hobbling a little, but mostly stable.

"They found Jinxx unconscious not too far from where they found you. He caught a lot of debris, but they say he should be okay. They had to surgically help one of his legs at a different hospital, but he hold make it. He's been asking for you." I practically started crying right there, instead settling for hugging him furiously, a few rebellious tears leaking out of my eyes.

"Thank god," I muttered. "Thank everything oh my god," I laughed a little, still crying. He was going to be fine. He didn't have amnesia or something. He's was okay. A little damaged, but whole. Thank god. He smiled at me again, then walked out again, probably going to go see CC. I didn't really care. I just wanted to see Jinxx again.

"Sir, I'm sorry to disturb you, but I need you to lie down. We need to get you to a hospital so we can get your leg fixed. Do you want one-or probably two-of your friends to come along with you?" A nurse asked, stepping into the ambulance.

"Why probably two?" She smirked.

"If you don't know I probably shouldn't say."

"Oh. You mean about Ash and CC and the weirdness of Andy and Jez." She nodded.

"How'd you find out about Ash and CC?" I asked, honestly surprised they'd tell a stranger but not the rest of us. Jinxx and I had to walk in on them, and even now only Ash knows that we know.

"I came in to take the one's cast off, and they were making out pretty intensly." I smiled a little.

"Yeah, that sounds like them. Ash is the one that got hurt originally, by the way. CC's his boyfriend." She nodded, and smiled. It was then that I noticed how young she was. No way could she be older than 25 or 26.

"Thanks for the info. Do you want me to go get any of them?" I hesitated, then shook my head.

"My boyfriend actually just got taken in, as well, and only Ash knows about us. I kinda just want to be with him," I said timidly. She nodded, then smiled.

"Are you Jake?" I nodded.

"I'm Emma. Your boyfriend wouldn't stop talking about you. It was really sweet, but at the same time it made me feel really bad that we didn't have any info." She pulled the doors shut, and made a signal towards the front of the ambulance.

"I'm just glad he's okay," I said softly. She nodded sympathetically. We talked quietly for the rest of the ride there, and she told me a bit about herself. I was right with her age, only 24, and studying to become a pediatrician. I told her about the band and Jez's videos and such. She smiled, and promised to look into us. I promised that she could have tickets to a show if she decided she liked it.

"Do you know what room he's in?" I asked as she pushed me out into the parking lot.

"I can try to get you into a room next to him, but no promises. First the doctors are going to want to see you and potentially operate on your leg. Doesn't it hurt?" She sounded honestly surprised that I hadn't complained.

"I guess. I haven been paying attention. I've been too worried about him, honestly." I admitted. But now that she mentioned it, I could feel the searing pain of something seriously wrong there. She smirked a little at my groan of pain.

"The power of suggestion," she muttered.

"You're sadistic," I replied, my eyes clenched tightly shut. It felt like a thousand knives stabbing me from the inside out, while on fire, dipped in poison.

"I didn't mean to. Do you want me to go check on him and talk to you after surgery?" I nodded.

"Tell the others where I am," I ground out through clenched teeth.

"Of course." I could hear some people shouting in medical speak coming up to us, but I couldn't understand it. They sounded far away, even though I knew they were right beside me. I fought to stay conscious, but it was no use. The darkness was easier. It didn't hurt so much.

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