Ch. 25-All This Shame

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Jake's POV:

I turned to face Jinxx with a guilty conscious but enough anger to cover it up.

"Why does it matter to you?" I snapped at him. He didn't even look hurt, just angry and cold, and not at all like the man I thought I loved.

"Because I'm your boyfriend and I have a right to know who's kissing my boyfriend. I don't give a flying fuck if it was just on your head. I don't want it to happen again." Just like that anger evaporated guilt.

"You may be my boyfriend but you have never owned me, Jeremy. I happen to be able to take care of myself you know." I sneered. He didn't respond, just folded his arms and glared at me.

"What?" I snapped, the silence getting to me.

"I'm waiting for an answer." Cocky bastard.

"No. That's your answer. I'm not telling you shit because you don't trust me. Fuck you, Jeremy."

"I'm not leaving until you tell me." He wasn't fazed by the use of his given name.

"Well then have fun staring at a door forever." I pushed the door open, walking through and slamming it in his face before he could respond.

"Fine! I'll just go ask him then!" He yelled through the door. Ugh. Fuck everything. Just to be sure that Wes would be okay, I looked at my wrist, and dialed the number. He picked up on the first ring.

"Hey Jake!" I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Hey Wes. Look I wanted to warn you. My boyfriend saw you kiss my head and he's pissed, so if a guy with long black hair who's like 5'11 comes up to you and starts asking questions, that's him."

"Is he the angry type?" He asked calmly.

"I don't even know. Before today I would've said no, but he's acting really weird. I've never seen him like this before. " I whispered the last bit.

"What room are you in?" He asked, now sounding the slightest bit worried.

"Um, 509, floor five." I glanced at the plaque on the wall as I answered.

"Perfect. Give me two minutes." He hung up. Wait, what? That's not what I meant. Oh well. Worse things have and probably will happen. Sure enough, a couple minutes later, my door cracked, then opened all the way. Wes grinned at me, closing the door again silently. He sat down lightly beside me, so close that I almost kissed him, and brushed it off as an accident.

"Did he hurt you?" Wes asked seriously, no longer smiling.

"Not physically, but he did shock me mentally. I've never seen this side of him, Wes. It's scaring me." He wrapped me in another warm, comforting embrace. I leaned my head into his chest, trying not to cry. He just held me, stroking my hair.

"I'm sorry, Jake, but I'm sure things will work out for you." He said resting his chin on my head. "If you two are meant to be, you will." I smiled slightly. I loved his calmness. It was infectious, an I could feel my heart rate slowing again, my anger cooling quickly. His mismatched eyes found mine as he tilted my head up to look at him.

"I like your eyes," I whispered, smiling at him. He smiled as well.

"Most people find them unnerving," he said. There was a little pain in his voice, but he covered it well. I was an expert on finding things like that, though, and swallowed my guilt, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. He turned his head after a second, his lips molding against mine. I let him. It was a breathless, slow kiss, the kind that made me have to remind myself that this was wrong. Of course, at that moment, his phone went off. He pulled back, sighing.

"That's my sister. I should check up on her." I nodded, unable to help myself from leaning into his chest. Neither of us realized it was a FaceTime until another you tuber that BVB loved popped up on screen.

"Wes! Where have you been?" Kaitlyn asked, pushing her hair back from her face.

"Sorry, Poptart. I've been with Jake," he smiled sadly, and turned the phone so it showed me. I smiled, throwing up a peace sign. She screamed.

"You're Jake Pitts!" She practically yelled.

"What!?" Two background voices yelled in unison.

"I take it you're a fan, then?" I couldn't help my blush.

"More than a little! Can you pleeeeaase come down here! Holly, Morgan and I have been dying to meet you guys! Oh my god. Is the rest of BVB here?" She asked excitedly.

"BVB?" Wes asked softly in my ear. I didn't care that he didn't know us. Lots of people don't, it's not that big of a deal.

"Black Veil Brides. I play lead guitar," I whispered back. "And yeah. Ash and CC are out somewhere on the opposite end of this wing, Jinxx," I grimaced, "is next door, and Andy's out with his girlfriend." Her jaw dropped.

"Andy has a girlfriend?"

"Yeah. Jezebel Stone, I don't know if-"

"OH MY GOD JEZ!" One of the background voices shouted. My phone buzzed. I checked it subtley, and my jaw dropped. It was a picture of Andy's hand entwined with Jez's, an engagement ring on her finger.

"I mean fiancée." I corrected.

"We know! Jez is a super good friend. Now you have to come down here." I laughed, and Wes hugged me gently.

"I'll try. I'm on crutches right now. Where are you?"

"Wes knows. See you!" She hung up, but before she did more screaming came through.

"Well they're certainly energetic," I said, but I was smiling.

"You have no idea. C'mon, I'll take you there." He helped me up, and got my crutches for me, stabling me in every way he could. Kaitlyn, his sister, was two floors down, thankfully quite close to the elevator. I walked in, and the room went silent. I was staring, too, because they were all you tubers we watched pretty much daily on the BVB bus.

"Sorry for not checking in, sis," Wes said, smiling apologetically.

"Are you kidding? You brought one of my idols. Forgiven." He laughed, and hugged me loosely. Thank god he wasn't being too lovey. I still didn't want to come out farther than I already had. He did sit next to me, though, which I appreciated more than I can express, as a bunch of girls in their earlier twenties can be terrifying.

"So, looks like there's going to be a wedding."

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