Protector of the Goddess

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I woke up from my strange dream.

Who was that little girl I was chasing?
I dont remember anything about her aside from that dream.....

"Ugh..... my head........"

"Beautiful (Y/N)..... you are awake....."


"The one and only......"

"Where's Hiccup? And V-Valka was it?"

"I dont know..... she came in to help just now......."

"Really? Come to think of it.... my leg doesnt hurt as much....."

She removed the blankets and looked at some bandages which were wrapped around her leg.

Thank you Valka for helping her.

I watched as her (E/C) eyes sparkled with happiness.

"So, Beautiful (Y/N)..... can you walk?"

"Let me try....."

She gingerly stood up and immediately fell....

Thank Odin I caught her. I let her lean against me as she walked on bravely.

I felt her cold body against mine.

She stumbled a few times but I caught her......

"Oh? No! NO! DEAR!!! YOU'LL HURT YOUR LEG EVEN MORE!!" a motherly voice yelled.

I turned to face the friendly middle-aged woman with three long braids and a brown skirt and beige long-sleeved skirt running towards (Y/N) with worried eyes.

"Toothless dear, help her to the bed, will ya'?"

I purred in reply.

I helped her onto the bed as Valka took over.

I sat in the corner with my paws crossed.


The woman named Valka hurried over and started fussing about me.

I liked how she cared so much about a complete stranger.....

"Now, now dear, your leg will be healed but it will take a while."

"Thank you so much..... w-who are you?"

"Ah! Where are my manners? I am Valka, Hiccup's mother. He's the chief of this village ya'know?" she proudly said.

"Really!? But he's so young! He looks only 20!"

"Yes..... sadly..... my husband, the former chief..... bless his poor soul.... was killed..... so he had to take over."

"I'm so sorry......"

"Its alright.... what's done is who are you and where are you from?"

"I-I am (Y/N)...... I dont know where I'm from. All I remember is that, I woke up in a cold forest and started running. I heard something..... calling.... screaming for me.... it was c-chasing me.... so I ran...."

"I see..... you dont have much recollection of anything. Well until further notice, you can stay here."

"Really? Thank you.... so much...."

"My pleasure dear..... now.... rest that leg..... I dont know what you did to it but dont move it too much."


"Ill head out now. Oh! And there are some visitors here to see you....."

She got up and left the room without a word and left me with Toothless.

It wasnt before long before a gang of vikings burst into the room and started ogling at me.


I knew it......

The famous four.....

I kept my guard up and edged closer to my Beautiful One.....

"Hello there..... I'm Snotlout! The most handsome guy here! And Im single!"

"I err......."

Tuffnut pushed him out of the way and put his face close to (Y/N)'s.

Way too close......

"Hello there...... Im Tuffnut...... you can call me..... Tuffnut..... The Tough.... because I am....."

I nearly barfed out my nice Icelandic Cod.......

Then..... da! Da! Da!! Fishlegs came out pulled him away by his viking helmet.

"Hi there. Im Fishlegs..... and arent I good-looking.... to say the least?"

"Speak for yourself Fishlegs..... I am Eret. Son of Eret! I--"

"No way Eret! She doesnt need your dumb speech cause she's mine!"

"Yours? Hah! She'll be with me! Just you wait!"

They started bickering while (Y/N) cowered from all the noise.....

Okay..... That is IT!!!

I pounced up and my scales glowed blue while I roared at the four and fired at them.

I missed them all intentionally and they immediately scampered out.

"T-thank you Toothless......"

"My pleasure.... Beautiful One...."

She bent down and kissed my head.

"Thank you....."

"It is my pleasure to protect you...... I promise no harm will come your way....."

She rest her head on mine and I felt a tingley feeling in my stomach....

How strange.......

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