Midnight Flight

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I didnt feel well at all. My head kept throbbing as if it was threathening to blank out any second.

"I really dont feel well....."

"I assume that is the result in you not eating or moving the past few weeks."

Valka stood at the doorway with one of her motherly smiles.

She was holding a plate with a cooked fish and a cup of water.

"Come now, dear one.... eat. It'll make you feel better."

She sat by the side of the bed and gave me the food which I ate in one bite.

It was delicious.

Toothless purred and rested his head on my lap.

"That dragon has taken a liking to you dear one....... he never left your side. He wouldnt even eat. He hasnt stretched his wings in a long time...."

"Really!? He waited for.... weeks..."

I looked at his eyes..... just like the eyes of the dragon in my dream.


Is Toothless Nightclaw?

Or is it a strange coincidence.....

"It was to protect you Beautiful (Y/N)........"

"Thanks Toothless....."

I stroked his head and he closed his eyes......

"Now that you're finished eating, Toothless, will you help her walk? I have to deal with problems with Hiccup."

She muttered things under her breath and walked out of the room.

"Come now..... it might take some time to get used to walking again, you need time to get used to using your legs again."

"Okay Toothless......"

I leaned on him gently for support. I walked around the room, occasionally wobbling and tripping over.

"There now Beautiful One....... try walking on your own now....."

He slowly moved aside and I slowly took a step but fell.

I felt a warm body against mine. I looked up to see Toothless looking straight at me.

He helped me up again and I continued to walk.

After a few tries, I managed to walk normally again.

"Thanks for helping Toothless......"

"My pleasure Beautiful (Y/N)..... "

He led me outside and I was shocked to see it was night.

"It's a full moon....." Toothless crooned.

I looked up to see the beautiful moon sitting high in the night sky.

It gleamed at me while the stars twinkled at us.

"It's beautiful....."

I looked back down and saw Toothless standing right in front of me with a weird grin on his face.

"Wanna go on a flight?"

"Why not?"

I giggle and mounted him.

He took off into the night.

"Hang on Beautiful One....."

He brought me up and above the clouds.......

Human Toothless X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now