The Kidnapper

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I felt my head throb with pain......

I woke up to see an uncomforting sight.....

Stone walls, metal bars.....

A cell.


This place looked strangely familiar...

Wait.... where's (Y/N)?!!!!!!!

Who cares..... she doesnt like you anyway.........

Did she even care about you?

She just toyed with your feelings.....

If she loved you, she wouldnt told you to go away, would she?

I got up to find my angel lying on my chest.

Her arms and legs were cut and bruised.

She wasnt even moving.....

The sight of her in that state made me forget all the heartbreak I had been through......

Where was I?


My head stung everytime I moved.

"Oh ho ho Hiccup! Long time no see brother....."

I knew it.


"Dagur........" I gritted my teeth and glared back at him.

"Where's the love brother? Ya' know Hiccup, you've changed........... hmmm........... what happened to your hair?"

What the......

Did he call me Hiccup?

"Ah! No matter, it doesnt matter anyway. So? How's Berk?"

I kept quiet and glared.

"Hmm? Why so sour?" he taunted.

"You know why I hate you Dagur. What do you want with us?!! LET US GO!!!"

He peered at me through the bars and smirked.

I wish I could slap the smug look off his stupid face.

"You know I wont let you go that easily........"


"Well, Ill make it simple. The Bezerker Tribe needs an heir, so, I had to find a young lady who's willing enough to marry me. Now, that beauty over there is perfect. Isnt she?"

He cackled like a mad man.


"Do I look like I'm joking? Heh. Now, when she wakes up, tell her that if she doesnt agree, Ill kill you. And possibly her. So? Everything cleared up?"

"Get out." I muttered.

"Pardon me?"

"I SAID GET OUT!!!!!!"

He cackled and walked off.


I rest my head against the wall and groaned.

If she doesnt marry him, he'll kill both of us.

Then again, dying is better. Right?

I dont want to see her paired down with a madman like him.

I always thought it would be me......

"Ugh....... Toothless........ a-are you t-there?"

She whimpered and blinked open her eyes. They looked so tired and weary...

"T-toothless?! Are you there?!!!" she called out.

"Hey...... I'm here......"

There was bitterness in my tone.

I dont know why........

But the fact that she yelled at me at the cove just..... keeps bothering me...

"T-toothless....... where are we?!"

"Bezerker Island. Are you okay?"

"Y-y-yes...... oww....."

She rubbed her arm which was bruised and was bleeding. She coughed and looked around.

"I-it....... h-hurts.......... "

My heart broke as she shivered in the cold and cruel draught.

She scooted closer to me. I pulled her into a hug.

"Why did you run?"

I stayed quiet and looked into her eyes.

"I........ I have something to tell you......"

"Tell me........."

"I know, this isnt the time for that..... but......... (Y/N), I love you."

She looked very taken back at my words. Even I was.

"I dont expect you to return those feelings..... but--"

I was cut off when she smashed her lips onto mine. I felt my eyes widen in shock but slowly melt into the kiss.

"There, does that answer your question?" she asked weakly.

I stared at her with wide eyes.

"So? W-who t-t-took us....."


"Why did he take us?"

I gulped as she rested her head on my chest.

"Tell me."

I felt hot tears threatening to spill out any second.


"He w-wants.......... your h-hand.... in marriage........"


"He says..... t-that.... if you dont accept....... he'll...... kill both of us....."

I hugged her tighter and stroked her hair.

"Then, I have to."

"WHAT?!!! NO WAY-- ARGH!!!"

My hands flew to the back of my head.


"M-my head....."

She carefully looked at my head and gasped.

"I-its bleeding.... badly...... Toothless.... no......"

She cried even more and I pulled her in closer and kissed her cheek.

"I promised that I wouldnt leave you, remember?"


I wont let Dagur take her.

No matter what.....

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