For my Best Friend

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This is it....

The wedding day....

I've been stressing about for weeks on end now, and so has Hiccup.

He paced around his room while I sat on his bed with my tux on.

Snot and Tuff were trying their best to tie their bow ties and stuff like that.

Eret and Fishlegs were doing their best in trying to calm Hiccup down.

"I'm just not ready for this.... what if I'm not a good husband..... or not a good dad.... or what if--"

"FOR THE MILLIONTH TIME HICCUP!!!! YOU ARE GOING TO DO JUST GREAT!!! Now please shut up before the guys and I have to throw you into the ocean." I yelled at him.

He chuckled nervously while the guys rolled on the floor while they laughed like hyenas.

"I'm dead serious."

I glared at them and leaned against the bedpost.

"Hey.... Toothless... you've been like this ever since....... yeah...."

"Yeah, come on Toothy.... it's been a whole year ya'know?"

"Maybe you should move on--"

"My heart belongs to her, and to her only. And if you've got a problem with it I'll gladly give you a punch in the nose." I snapped.

They shot me worried glance while Eret gave me a pat on the back.

"Hey.... it's ol' Hiccup's wedding day. So put on a smile and act like nothing's wrong, just for today? You're his Best Man ya'know?"

He smiled reassuringly and messed up my hair.

"Thanks a lot...." I said sarcasticly.

"C'mon, Toothless. Should I let my hair be combed or--"

"Messed up. Astrid likes it that way, doesnt she?"

"Yeah.... Thanks bud!"

He smiled like an idiot while I tried to grin back.

"Woah.... its weird seeing you smile..." Tuff gasped.

"Yeah.... when was the last time you smiled?" Snot asked.

I shrugged and ruffled my hair gently.


"You know, Toothless..... I like you hair when its so messy...."

"Really? What, you think I'm more handsome that way?"

A red tint appeared on her face while I chuckled at how adorable she looked.

"H-HEY!!! YOU JERK!!!!"

She punched my shoulder and let out a small 'hmph'.

"Hey, dont be like that....."

I pushed the hair out of her face and blushed at her beauty.

"Look who's blushing now?" she said testily.

I chuckled nervously.

"Hey, lets go!!! We gotta go to the cove!!!"

She pulled at my arm and we ran off to our own little world.

That was before I asked her to....

It just hurts....

-End of Flashback-

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