Lost Love

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I sat at her side, stroking her gorgeous (H/C) hair.

I kissed her forehead.

I've cried so much to the point where tears hardly come out anymore.


I heard the door creak open and saw Valka, Hiccup and Astrid standing at the doorway.

"What do you want....." I hissed at them.



They jumped at my reaction.

"Toothless, calm down......"

"Calm down?! CALM DOWN?!!!"

I cackled and tears ran down my face.

"You try to calm down when the one person you love with all your heart leaves you forever....."

"Toothless, we know you love her, but for her sake, please calm dow--" Astrid pleaded.


I banged my fist on the bed out of anger.

I felt my hand burn.

But it was nothing compared to the pain I was already experiencing....

"Mom, Astrid..... wait for me outside, Ill have a word with Toothless."

They left in a hurry while Hiccup grabbed a chair and stared at me sadly.

"Toothless, I know you're heartbroken, but you have to get your stuff together."

I stayed quiet and glared at him.

"Toothless, I know you love her, I know she meant the world to you, I know how close you two are, but you cant lock yourself away from the world."

"What's stopping me from doing that?"

"Bud........ c'mon, at least eat? You havent eaten in two days......"


I stormed outside and grabbed a plate and a cooked fish Valka made.

I gulped it down and crept back into the room where Hiccup was watching her.

She looked so peaceful, laying there.....

I sat next to my princess and kissed her cheek.


"What?!" I snapped back.

"We...... err....... we wanted to have a f-funeral for...... (Y/N)....."


"S-s-she..... just..... cant lay here..... forever....... We wanted to know.... what you thought about it......"

A funeral.......

Tears stung me eyes again but I held them back.

"Fine..... when?"

My gaze softened at my best friend.

"Next week....... hey..... I just...... wanted to say sorry....."

"You have nothing to apologize for. C-can you leave me alone? F-for now...."

He left the room without another word and left me be.

A funeral.....

"(Y/N)........I'm so sorry........ I should've taken the stab...... you wouldnt have to be in this state......... It's all my fault....."

I stroked her hair and kissed her lips.

Like how I kissed her in the dream......

She was still in her stained wedding dress.

Her wound had been cleaned...

I lay my head on her arm and took in her faint lily smell.

She meant the world the me....


She was my world.

I drifted off into an uneasy sleep and thought of my beautiful angel.....

She's gone......


I felt so sorry for Toothless.......

He lost the one thing which gave him the purpose to live on...

I cant imagine life without Astrid.

She means so much to me.

"Hiccup......'ow is he? He hasnt talked in two days........"

"He's still suffering from grief and heart-break......." I explained.

"The poor thing......" Mom said.

She was heart-broken when she heard the news. (Y/N) was like a daughter to her.

"Hiccup..... what did he say about....... the funeral......"

"He said it was fine. I think he's sleeping now ......"

"Lets go, lad. You still have duties to the village."


I left the house and saw the villagers in a state of sorrow.

"Chief, how's the goddess?" Bucket asked.

"S-she's okay..... we are going to have a f-funeral for her....... next week......"

"I see....... how's Toothless?" Mulch asked.

"H-he.......... he's in a bad mental state......"

I sighed and gestured for them to go back to the farm.

I felt sad........

Toothless is just.....

I hope he cheers up.

Human Toothless X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now