Snoggletog Disaster Pt.2

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The dragons were approaching.

I heard Cloudy's familiar roar.


"They are coming."

"Toothless, are the dragons coming yet?" Hiccup asked.

"They're on the way, but they're close."

I saw a blurry crowd in the air.

"THE DRAGONS!!! THEY'RE HERE!!!!" someone shouted.

The crowd rused up and started celebrating.

I felt someone put an arm around my shoulder.

Just then, our fellow friends came into sight and landed.

They roared in greeting and rushed to their owners.

I saw tiny hatchlings dancing around on their backs.

They screeched and squeaked and fell clumsily onto the ground.

I chuckled as a baby nadder approached me.

"Hi there...." I cooed.

He nuzzled me and ran back to his mother.

"Well, well........ it's nice seeing you again, (Y/N)..."


He nuzzled me and purred.

"Hey Cloudy...." Toothless greeted.

He pat his back.

"Where're your hatchlings?"

"With their mother. She left for another island. I dont mind, really."

"Cloudjumper!! THERE YOU ARE!!!" Hiccup called.

"I have to go..... I am sorry Toothless, (Y/N)."

And with that, he flapped over to Hiccup and Astrid who was cooing and playing with Stormfly's hatchlings.

I looked around for Toothless but was shocked to see that he wasnt by my side.


I searched for him in the crowd.

I walked back to the village and found him staring at the tree.

His eyes were glossy, and looked as if he was deep in thought.


"WHA--?!! Oh....... (Y/N).... sorry.... I was ......"

"Zoned out? Heh. I saw. So? What's on your mind?"


He broke our eye contact and stared at the tree.

I grabbed his hand.

"Hey, tell me...."





"I was just.... thinking..... about the time I was...... still a dragon...... and we celebrated Snoggletog. I dont know, it just came over me."

I bit back my tears.

"When I was a night fury, I was lonely. During every Snoggletog, I would go off to do my own thing since, I was alone. I sulked a lot and it always broke my heart to see all the other dragons with their hatchlings and family."

Human Toothless X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now