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Toothless and I sat there, having our little moment when the door suddenly flies open.


Astrid and Ruffnut stood there at the doorway staring at me with wide eyes.

"Y-y-y-y-you're....... awake?!!!!"

"OH MY THOR!!!! VALKA!!!! HICCUP!!!! EVERYONE!!!!! SHE'S AWAKE!!!!!" Astrid screamed.

They rushed over and threw themselves on me and we ended up in one big tangled mass.

"WE THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!!!!! JEEZ!!!!! DONT SCARE US LIKE THAT!!!!" Ruff was crying tears of joy.

Astrid was worse.

She broke down completely.

"I havent known you that long.... its just......we miss having anotger girl.... There are only two girls that are around our age....... so........."

"Hey...... Im okay......." I comforted them.


Valka and Hiccup were at the doorway.

Hiccup went hysterical and went screaming to the whole village.

"SHE'S ALIVE!!!!!! (Y/N)'S ALIVE!!!"

"HICCUP COME BACK!!!" I heard Valka scream and run after him.

I heard voices talking about me from the villagers.

They were talking really loudly.....

"Did'ya hear that? The daughter of Freya!!! She's alive!!"

"The beautiful goddess who entered our village? Yea! I heard it from the chief! He was screaming down the whole way! His mother was chasing him all the way too!"

I chuckled to myself as I imagined Hiccup, the Chieftain of Berk, running down the streets while his mother was racing on after him.

What a sight that would be....


Oh no..... no...... no...

Hiccup..... why did you tell the whole village.......

Now they're going to--

Oh great! Here they come.....

The famous four.

Snotlout. Tuffnut. Fishlegs. And Eret.

Just Great.......

"Hello there Pretty......" Eret crooned.


I reacted as quickly as I could and roared at them. I shot at them with my plasma blasts.

They left in a hurry with their tails between their legs like the cowards they are.

"Looks like Toothless's protective of the pretty one!"

Wait...... WHAT DID RUFF SAY?!!!

"Well..... he's a great dragon......" (Y/N) said.

"Anyway, those guys are real jerks. Hitting on a poor girl when she just woke up."

"You got that right Astrid......" I growled.

(Y/N) smiled at me and I felt that usual tingly feeling in my stomach again.

Her radiant smile made me melt right there and then.

Ruff and Astrid started to giggle uncontrollably.

"Whats wrong guys?"


They started giggling again while (Y/N) started staring at them.

"Are you..... okay?"

"Hmm..... do not worry for them Beautiful One...... they most probably hit their heads on the way here......" I purred to her.

She looked at me uncertainly and looked back at the two giggling machines.


I never dreamed that, (Y/N) would end up in that tragic state for three whole weeks!!!

Everyone was so worried since she was claimed to be the daughter of a Goddess...... so.......

"So! (Y/N) you wanna hang out?" Ruff said.

"Hang out?"

"Yea! If you want to!"

"Ruff..... now isnt the time for.... that.... she just woke up...."

"Well...... that is true......" she said.

"So, we were wondering, when you feel better and stuff, come over to my place and maybe we can hang out! It'll be fun with one more girl!"

"Okay then, I'll go when I can. It's just.... I'm a bit shaken up. Three weeks have just gone by....."

"Yeah. But everything is still the same. Dragons still fly and the boys are still the annoying butts they are...." I stated.

We burst out laughing at my little comment and decided to give (Y/N) some space.

When we walked out, we were greeted by an...... er...... awkward.... sight.....


Okay...... the thing is, I got a little .... too excited over the whole '(Y/N) waking up thing'.

So, my mom had to chase me down across the whole village.

And so now, here I was being dragged by the ear back home by my mother.

She was still fuming over the whole incident since I made her run all the way throught town......

And to add to the pile, Astrid and Ruff were laughing their heads off at the sight of poor me getting dragged by the ear.

Astrid really is a wonderful girlfriend.

"H-Hiccup....... d-did you..... really.... run...... and get..... chased...... by..... your..... mom....." Ruff said between laughs.

"As a matter of fact, this young man really did......"my mom stated.

She finally let go of my ear.

"You, mister, are in a lot of trouble."

Oh no.

Human Toothless X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now