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January 12
3:16 a.m

I shoot up, gasping, sweat running down my face as I frantically move my hands around in the sheets. When they find a warm body I grip it with my finger nails making the body jump up with a yelp. I look up with tear stained eyes and see that it's Jason and physically relax my body.

"Baby," Jason whispers and pulls my naked body into his naked body, "Shh...what's wrong?"

"It's...it was so bad-...I couldn't- why couldn't I? Just hold m-me," I sob and wrap my arms around his waist - making sure my grip is tight.

"Shh...calm down. Calm down then tell me what's wrong," he strokes my hair and kisses my forehead.

I sigh and swallow the lump in my throat from crying, "he had me trapped and wouldn't let me leave unless I gave Audrey to him..."

"Who Emily, who?" He continues to rub my back with his fingertips and run his fingers on the other hand through my hair.


"He's not going to hurt you baby. It was just a dream - he has never done anything to hurt you. Calm down, it's all going to be okay."

"Do you promise," I look up at him with sadness piled in my eyes.

"I promise," he holds up his pinky finger for mine.

My Jason.

6:15 a.m

"Where has he been and what has he been doing?" I ask Ryan as I sit on the porch outside. This is my everyday routine. I wake up early in the morning to get all of my gang work done and over with for the day.

"He's been smuggling money and cocaine through different countries and we've been trying to find and stop him but so far no success."

"Okay well, call in a meeting at the warehouse and let everyone know what he's been doing and I'll be in to lay out a plan, okay?"


"Thank you," I sigh into the phone and hang up.

Emily is right, I need to get out for my family and her but they're in even more danger if I leave. I don't want to ruin everything we've accomplished as a gang but I don't want hurt my family.

I sigh and stand up before going inside and up to Emily and I's room. I see Emily cuddled up to our sheet and smile as I cuddle back up into bed to pretend like I never got out.

This is usually how every morning works.

When I grab the blankets from her to cover us up, she rolls over and her bare butt is facing me. I smirk to myself and lie my hand on it as I snuggle closer to her. She's got a cute ass. It's pretty cute...

I kiss the side of her head and dig my face in her neck as I listen to her soft breathing - I let that be the last sound I hear before I fall back to sleep.

10:20 a.m

Getting out of the car, I walk into our old worn down warehouse and head to the room where the meeting is being held.

When I walk in, the meeting is already started with Ryan telling everyone what our enemy has been doing and what we need to do to get him. I'm just here to lay out a plan.

"Okay," I lie out the printed instructions in front of all of them, "you guy need to read this and follow it as printed."

They all nodded their heads and continued reading.

"You guys need to make sure that when you surround him, you have him safely covered an that you are fully armored because I'm sure he's gonna have his gang members there, okay?"

"Okay," they all mumbled.

"That's it - Ryan is gonna make sure you guys are doing as asked. Anybody that's not following instructions will be killed - I don't play around."

They all, once again, nodded their heads and mumbled 'okay'.

"Okay then, now if you'll excuse me, I've got a family to get back to."

I walked out and drove back to our house. When I walked in, I heard crying and yelling. I rushed my walking and when I entered the living room to see Emily pointing her finger at Noah and sternly talking to him.

"What's going on?" I question.

"Go look at our room and you'll known what's wrong!"

Listening to her words, I walk to it room and my mouth hangs open wen I see all of our drawers of cloths torn out, Emily's makeup all over the walls, the bed torn apart. Everything.

"Oh my god," I say as I walk into the living room, "why would you do that to mommy and daddy's room?"

"I didn't mean to!"

"How could you not mean to do that, Noah?! You will help us clean up every little thing in that room - do you hear me?!" I spoke sternly.


"Good," I point to our room, "get started."

He stomped off with his arms crossed and I looked at Emily with a questioning look, "what he he'll happened?"

"I told him he couldn't have a pop-cycle before dinner and he stomped off with his arms crossed. Since he does that all of the time I figured he was just gonna go hide but no! He trashed our room!"

"You couldn't have kept a better eye on him?!"

"I had three other kids to watch!"

"Still Emily!"

"You are right, sorry," she sighs and walks off to our room.

Standing there flabbergasted, I watch her walk off. She just walked away from a brewing argument? Surprising.

I take my coat off and follow after her to help.

"You can't keep doing this crap, Noah," I hear Emily say as I enter the room.

"Yeah," I join in.

"Well maybe if you guys didn't argue and ignore us all of the time, we wouldn't act out!"

I look at him with my mouth hung open and walk towards him picking up, "Noah, mommy and daddy don't mean to ignore you. We do not mean to do that. We love you so much."

"You know we do, baby," Emily joins in.

"I know," he whispers, "I'm just saying."

"We'll have more family nights and do more stuff together, okay?" I asked.

He nods, "okay."

Then we go back to cleaning.

A:N - this is the boring part of the book but a loooooot of drama is coming so yeah.

Xoxo - Alexa!

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