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"That's cool baby now let mommy get you dressed so we can go visit grandma Emily and Grandpa Jason," I lightly scold my five year old daughter, Melody.

"But dad!" She protested. I just gave her a hard stare as I positioned my son, Jacob,  who was born two weeks ago on my shoulder to burp him.

She got that I wasn't messing around and hurriedly found her mom, who is my wife, Alyssa, and let her brush her hair and get her dressed.

Our other daughter, Samantha, who is two, was already dressed and had her very little amount of hair up in a pony tail.

I changed Jacobs diaper and put him in a sleeper before I buckled him up in his car seat and put a blanket around him. I packed his diaper bag that we would need for the time that we were going to be at my parents house.

"Babe!" I heard Alyssa calling for me and I sighed before covering Jacob up and taking the stairs two at a time.

"What?" I questioned and watched her braid Melody's hair.

"I forgot to grab a hair tie. Will you see if there's one up on the counter?"

"Sure," I smile at her and saw a black hair tie lying beside the toothbrushes, "here baby. Gimme a kiss."

She puckered her lips and gave me three quick pecks before going back to our daughters hair.

"Daddy! Get out!" Melody glared at me.

"You hush up," I point my finger at her and attack her cheeks with kisses making her scream and squirm all over the place.

This caused Alyssa to huff and angrily undo Melody's hair, "you messed her hair up!" She huffed.

"Sorry baby," I pouted before making my way down stairs to the living room to see if Samantha was getting in to anything she wasn't supposed to.

I walk into the living room and see her dancing to Blues Clues, "what are you doing baby?" I take a seat on the couch beside of Jacob in his car seat.

"Daddy I'm dancing," she giggles and sings along with the blue dog.

"You're good at dancing," I smile at her and watch as her pale cheeks turn a deep shade of red.

"Ok I think we're all ready-why aren't you dressed, Kyler?" Alyssa asks as her and Melody walk in the living room.

"What?" I look down at my outfit, "I'm ready."

"You're wearing basketball shorts and a sweatshirt to your parents?"

"Yea," I stand up with a smirk and put Jacobs diaper bag over my shoulder and pick his car seat up.

We all traveled out to the car and we piled in.


"Hello?" I called out as I walked into my parents house with my family falling close behind.

"We're in the living room!" I here my dad call out.

We all take our shoes off and my kids go running into the living room. I heard Samantha's voice yell Uncle Noah so I'm guessing he's here with his wife Jessie and they're baby that is only a week older than Jacob.

Alyssa took Jacobs diaper bag from me and walked into the living room as I followed her and set his car seat in front of me while I sat on the couch.

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