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January 21
11:49 a.m

"Okay guys, guess what?" I question as Noah, Tyler, and Kyler sit across from us.

"What?" Noah gives the biggest and most adorable smile ever.

"Daddy and I are going to take you guys to...Disney World!"

"I've always wanted to go to Disney World! I see it all the time on Disney Channel all the time but I never got to go and now I get to go! Oh my gooooooooooodnessss!"

"Yay!" Jason smiled and pulled Noah into his arms, "we already packed your stuff. We leave tomorrow morning and we're gonna drive because of Audrey."

"I can't wait," Kyler cheeses.

"Me neither! But on another note, what do you guys want for lunch?"

"PIZZA!" They all scream at once.

"Pizza it is," I look at Jason and he nods his head.

January 22
4:01 a.m

"Emily," I whisper and rub the hair out of her face after I turn the alarm clock off, "Emily, baby we gotta go or we'll get behind."

"Mmm..." She mumbles and pulls the blankets off of me and puts them over her head.

I smile at her cuteness and put my arm around her blanket covered body, "c'mon baby."

"One more minute," she mutters and I could tell she meant to say a longer amount of time.

After a minute was up, I shake her again and whisper, "it's been a minute, baby."

"Mmm...no! Let me sleep," she rolls over and snuggles into my chest.

I sigh and get up, "I'll get your stuff around."

"Mhm," she mumbles and smacks her lips.

I let out a light chuckle and go to wake up all of the kids.

"Shh," I say as I set their pancakes in front of them, "don't wake Audrey up."

"Don't you have to get her up anyways?" Noah replies sarcastically.

"No," I sit down across from him, beside of Kyler, "I'm going to put her in the car seat asleep."

"Oh," he nods and shoves half of his pancake in his mouth.

We soon finish breakfast and I take my time getting all of them dressed in some sweats and a sweatshirt.

I walk into Audrey's room and lower the front wall on her crib and gently pick her up - set her on the changing table - and go to pick out an outfit to change her into.

I pick out a sweat suit. The zip up jacket was a neon green and came with a plain pair of grey sweats. I put on a white pair of Jordyns and strap her in her car seat. I run down stairs and grab a bottle of pumped milk out of the fridge and put it in the side of her diaper bag. I packed everything she would need for two days and bring her car seat down to the living room along with her diaper bag.

"No more kids," I whisper to myself as I head back up to Emily and I's room where she was still sleeping.

"Baby," I mutter and pick her suit case with everything in it up, "you better be up by the time I get back."

"Mhm," she mutters and there's nothing I could do but smile.

I take everybody's suitcases down to the living room and run back up stairs to get Emily up and in the car.

"Emily," I put my hands under her arm pits and sit her up, "c'mon."

"I'm tired Jason," she mumbles and tries to force her body to lie back down.

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