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10:09 p.m

"NO!" I quickly sprint towards Emily and pull her into my lap.

I look for the bullet wound and see that it was right in the center of her stomach. I put my hand over it and applied as much pressure as I could.

"Stay with me baby," I gently slap her cheek as her eyes go to close, "stay with me!"

"SOMEONE HELP!" I yell, knowing that people were outside due to the fight and gunshot, "HELP! PLEASE! She's going to die..."

"Jason, baby," Emily is able to give me a small smile, "please. I'm fine. Let's go inside and go to bed."

"No no no no - no! -" I shook my head, "you need to go to the hospital baby."

"No I'm fine," she smiles.

"No you're not. Baby," I look into her eyes and the tears flood from mine.

"MOMMY!" Noah escapes from the house and starts running towards us.

"NO!" I yell back and turn my head to look at him, "GO INSIDE AND MAKE SURE YOUR BROTHERS AND SISTER ARE OKAY!"

I remember my father and look up but he's not here. He got away.

I hear faint sirens in the background but I was too worried about Emily's quiet sobs.

"Tell me a happy story baby. Tell me something," I encourage so she'll stay awake.

She smiles and puts her hand on my cheek, "remember when you brought me back and the night that we moved in, we went on our first real date? You ordered spaghetti like always and I ordered a steak. Remember how the waitress was flirting with me and you threatened to beat his ass? I knew you were over protective and I never liked it but it was extremely sexy that night. You brought me home and I showed you that I'll always love you - no one else. Just you babe. I want you to know that when I'm gone, you can move on. That's what I want you to do. Make sure my babies have a good mommy to sing them to sleep at night okay? And get that fifth child."

"No no no no! No baby - you're gonna give me my fifth child, okay?! You are!" I pat her cheeks as she starts to close her eyes.

All of a sudden, right when the ambulances pool up, her body goes limp and I pick her up and run towards them, "SHE COULDN'T STAY AWAKE! PLEASE! HELP HER AND KERP HER ALIVE!" I shout and watched as they put her in the stretcher.

I can't go with her because the kids would be here alone but I can drive there after I drop them off at my moms.

"Get in the car!" I yell as I hurriedly strap Audrey into dr car seat, causing her to cry.

I drive 90 m.p.h. down the road and hit my breaks to recklessly pool into her driveway. I drop them off, telling my mom that I would explain later and speed my way to the hospital. I park diagonal and lock the car before running in, "IM HERE FOR MY WIFE! I NEED TO SEE MY WIFE!"

"Name sir?" 

"Emily. Emily McCann."

"I'm sorry sir but she is currently in surgery. You can have a seat in the waiting room and the doctor will be out to talk to you when they are done."

"WHAT?! THATS MY FUCKING WIFE!" I sprint towards the door but soon find out that they're locked, "FUCK!"

"How about take a seat, sir and we'll get you some water - okay?"

I calm down and nod my head. I lean my elbows onto my knees and put my hands in my hair. I calm down, but I continue crying.

I tug at my hair to try and match the pain inside of my body but it was no use. I felt lifeless. I could only imagine how Emily feels.

About two hours later, Dr. Palmer walks out and  shocked to see him.

"Dr. Palmer? What are you doing here?"

"I'm the family doctor," he smiles and sits beside of me.

"I have good news and bad news."

"Good news?"

"We were able to get the bullet out and stitch the whole up without her losing too much blood. She did lose a lot of blood from waiting for the ambulance but she's okay now."

"Oh thank god," I physically felt my body relax, "and the bad news?"

"Emily is in coma. We don't know for how long, it could be minutes, hours, days, weeks, years, or even decades but since you are her husband - it is up to you to  make the decisions."

"What kind of decisions?"

"Whether or not to pull the plug or not."

I suck in a deep breath and shake my head. I lap my hands together and look down at my lap, "I don't think I would ever be able to pull the plug," I look back up at him.

"Now," he starts again, "it is by law to cover this too."

"What is it?" I suck in a breath to prepare myself.

"That fifth kid that you guys plan on having - if she wakes up - ...isn't happening."

Tears well up in my eyes and I smile very lightly, "that's the only thing she wanted - was another girl."

"I know," he nods and stands up, "I'll see you around Jason," he pats my back, "make smart decisions."

"I'll try..." I whisper and stand up to walk towards the bathroom.

I sit in there for three hours and cry my eyes out. What am I supposed to do now?

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