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"Dad he's been living here for a year! I'm pretty sure he's proved that he's a nice and reliable person! How's come you dislike him all of the sudden?!" I let my eyes stare into my dads piercing ones.

"I had respect for the guy until I heard you guys doing the tango!"

"I'm 19!" I laugh, "I'm allowed to have sex!"

"Move out then! Why are you still with us when you're 19?"

"Jason..." My mom cuts in, "she's a 19 year old girl. She's allowed to do what she wants no matter who's roof she's under."

Thank you, mom!

"Not under my roof!" He screamed and stood up.

The only reason this became a conversation is because Mathew is at work and my dad suddenly thinks it's funny to talk shit about him and start a fight with me every chance he gets.

"Whatever," I sigh and shake my head. I'm so done with this conversation.

"Why is it so hard for you? All of your brothers moved out by the age of 18 and married with kids!"

"Well I'm not them! You always use them against me but guess what?! I'm nowhere near marriage or a kid! Have some common sense!"

"Audrey just go to your room with me," my mom tried to stop the fight before it got even more heated.

"No. I need to go pick Mathew up from work."


"Hey baby," Mathew smiles and kisses me after he sits in the passenger seat, "how has your day been?"

"Alright I guess," I sigh and start driving home.

"What's wrong?" He sets his hand on my thigh after running it through his shaggy hair.

"My dad basically called me a bum today."

"Why is he suddenly being a douche bag?"

"Don't say that Matt...he heard us..having sex and that ticked him off."

"He heard us having sex?" He chuckled.

"Yes and it's not funny! That's embarrassing," I blush.

"Well...we can start looking for an apartment soon."

"We need to. All of my brothers have their life's made. It's not fair."

"I know baby," he smiles sweetly at me, "it's okay. We'll get there."

I just nod and try to believe him.


"Baby Mason!" I yell when my brother Tyler, his wife Taylor, Mason and there new baby Peyton walk into my parents house.

"Aunt Audwey!" He pronounced my name wrong as he ran into my open arms. He moved onto Mathew and sat on his lap talking about superheroes.

"Hey lil sis," Tyler gave me a quick hug before going to find our parents.

"Hey Taylor," I smile at her and sat down on the couch beside of Mathew as he played with Mason.

"Hi," she smiles as she watches Mason hug Mathew real big, "he's really good with kids. Why don't you guys have any?"

"We want to have our own place, be married and not nineteen," I laugh and watch her nod, understanding what I was saying.

I'm tired of explaining myself to everyone...

"And the couch is gonna go...right there," I point and smile as Noah and Tyler carry Mathew and I's couch into our new house and set it down where I instructed.

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