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11:23 p.m


I start wiggling around and slashing my body, the handcuffs just causing damage to my hands and ankles.

I stare at the car as tears flood down my face. I see my boys all huddled together crying.


There has to be a way to get them.


I spot both keys a distance in front of me and look back and forth between the car and the keys.

You're wasting time, Jason!

I get on my knees, bend over into an army crawl position and scoot my way towards the keys. He's doing this as a game. He wants to see me fail.

I reach the keys and hover over them so my hands can reach them and grab a random one. I twist my wrist around and wince when the familiar sharp pain of the handcuffs cutting my wrist comes back.

I put the key in the whole and try to twist it, but it locks up and I jiggle it but it's the wrong key.

I put it down with a loud scream followed by a stream of curse words and get the other key. I continue to scream and cry as the other key keeps slipping out of my hand due to my blood.

I just want to save my boys...

11:46 p.m

"Okay Emily," the guy that I do not have a privilege of knowing his name says, "one wrong move and she is hung."

There sits Audrey, in her car seat with a rope around her neck. If I make one wrong move while going through this obstacle course, the chair that's sitting with her car seat slides out from under her and she hangs. She'll be dead. I can't let that happen.

His voice rings in my head...



No wrong moves, no wrong moves.


I run towards a bunch of wrecking balls. If I get hit by one, that's a wrong move that will kill my daughter.

I watch and time what I'm doing; it's all about timing.

I run through the wrecking balls but don't pay attention enough when I get out and keep walking. Little did I know,   there was a cliff that you had to jump over. I catch myself before I jump into the pile of...needles?

I hold my hand to my heart when I catch myself and hold on to the pole beside of me for dear life.

I jump over the cliff when I'm able to catch my breath again and walk on the balancer, trying not to fall off into the continuos stack of needles.

I yell when my foot slips and my body goes to fall...

12:09 a.m

somehow the fire has managed to stay on the outside - but I know for sure the car isn't going to go much longer without blowing up.

I scream when the key continues to slip out of my hand and kick at the ground to get my anger out in some way, shape or form.

I sigh and close my eyes; right now is the time to focus, not get angry and keep messing up.

I slowly pick up the key and twist my arm, the cutting from the cuffs not doing much since my wrists are already numb from multiple cuts.

I slide the key into the key whole and twist it, the cuffs coming unlocked.

I quickly throw them to the side and pick up the other key, and lean forward to slide the key into the key whole. Before I'm able to succeed at this process, I hear a popping sound and look up at the car to see that the fire has reached the gas tank.

"FUCK!" I scream and go back to doing what I was doing. I'm able to unlock the cuffs and I stand up and run for the car.

Right before I make it, someone grabs my wrist and pulls me back. When I look up, there's a gun held to my forehead.

"Did you think you would get to them that easy?"

12:13 a.m

I scream when my foot slips and my body goes to fall. I go to grab on to the balancer but my hands slip and I start going down. I quickly throw my feet around the balance bar and close my eyes when I see my head hovering over a pile of needles.

I flex my legs and go to pull myself up but I'm just not strong enough.

"Thirty seconds!" I hear someone yell.

I snarl and bend upward, wrapping my arms around the balancer also. I probably look like a koala Bear at the moment.


I use all of my muscle, and some that I don't have and pull myself up. I decide to take the safe road and scoot along the balancer and step onto the finish mark when I'm done.

I bend over and breathe for a minute before I start running towards my daughter. I grab her and take the rope away from her neck and kiss her head. I just want to leave.

I did it. I saved my daughter.

"Where's Jason?" I cry as I hold her.

"Currently trying to save your boys. Would you like to watch a little snippet?"

I glare at him but he isn't going to listen, he pulls out his phone and shoes a video of Jason's car on fire, Jason on the floor beside of it; struggling to get out of hand cuffs.

"Where are my boys?!" I spit with venom.

"In the car..."

12:21 a.m

"Please Damien just let me save my boys! Please!" I yell and wipe my eyes. I stare at him pleadingly and stomp my foot like a child when he smirks at me.

"Better hurry."

I sigh in relief and turn on my heels, letting my body jolt forward towards the car. I have to save them. I'll never be able to live with myself if something happens.

I feel the heat hit my body as I get close to the car and I jump back in immediate fear, but then remember that my kids are in there.

I pull my shirt off and smack it at the back door. When the flames calm down, I pull at the handle and swing the door open. All three boys sit there coughing.  Smoke floods out of the car as soon as I open the door and I scrunch my face up, not breathing in so I can focus on saving my children and not coughing.

"Come here," I talk as loud as my smoke-filled lungs will let me.

They all scramble over each other, trying to get to the exit.

"Hurry!" I usher them and lean forward to grab their arms and drag them out.

We stumble to the ground and cough.

I'm just glad I got my boys.

I saved them...

A:N - tell me what you think!!

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